May 30, 2008

Mabel ngiang,my shoesshoes!
Jiayous for your match tmr yahs?
Never win dun come and call me shoesshoes arhs?
Joking lurhs,i hope you just
do your best alrights? i know you can do it :D

i wish to support you at there
perharps no? because i don't know where you
are having your matches, sorry?
Mabel shoessho
es is mineeee xD
I love my shoesshoes manxzxzxzxzxz!
hahahs,there is no trainging tmr,finallyyyy.
i can eventually get a good rest?
afternoon when kfc w/
my sweet and cute junior,Yingjun :D
to have our lunchhhh, she is totally
a kai xin guo cans? she make me laugh like madwomenzxzx!
we laugh alots alots:D

& i have already order a bucket bag,
but until next week the
n can get,i want it now manzxzx!
Mdm rani say that ' time is precious '
what about yesterday?we waited for it like
6 hours plus , then how to explain about it? i am

just super pissed off by that~

王子&毛弟 childhood pictureees


I realised that I..
am always thinking a lot & crying when I'm alone.
I still don't know what my heart wants.
I still don't know why I'm crying.
I still don't know a lot a lot of things.
Everything in my life just sucks so much, ):
graphic myspace at


May 29, 2008

Arghhh, training tmr again.
i'm tired and beat now,because
i had been in school for more then
8 hours time,@#$@#@%?
today i am super dulan & angry
cans?the teacher in-charge told
us to go to school at 7.45am.
& we reach there they just tell us
that it is 11am,ask we all so early come for what?
@$#%#$%@! nevermind
then we went macdonald to have our breakfast:D
w/ my three juniors (:
we chat alot about some stars in taiwan!
& there we talk until 邱勝翊,王子
then i get super high there, they say i was mad
of wangzi, but infected he is my idol,so can't i get crazy of him?
then went back to school.
Chat w/ Candyfloss & juniors about many
things as i was super bored luh~
we went to find our costume and changed.
the costume is super itchy cans?
they say 11am then we were ready at that time
then they say 2pm then start,wtfff.
we went pulse studio and wait and wait,
after that they ask us to hall.
we waiting for the photographer but then no sigh of any?
not even a camera?
we still have to wait for him lols.
we all waited for like 6 hours plus,
and i having panda eyes, hell lahhhhhhhhhh!
because i wake up at 7pm mans!
& most angry part was he
took picture of us then he ask us
to smile then we dun want or can i say can even smile
as we were angry and he say that we all
are making his job difficult. and we told him
we waited for like 6hours , guess what he reply?
he say ' so is that mine fault? "
at that time i feel like bash him in pieces!
Tags Replied:D
F II O N A:Airen,i think quite ok?
valeska:thanks for the tag
mabelngiangggg:shoesshoes:D i want
to go out with youuuuu soon!
randy:Brotherrrrr,thanks for your tag.Love Brother toos!
yeeting:Sucky Slut! hahahs yeahs do my quiz.
IAMSHERYL!:Hello Hello,see you in dance too!
`JASMINE(:my fringe is half retard/cute:D
terence:Do i know you?
shihui:Shishi,of cause the drawing is nice luh,
the artist draw me what?!
yilin:Thanks sister (:
layling meixx:i will tag you (:
this url is nice right?i feel like changing my blog
website to it?any comment?

May 28, 2008

Tagged by shihui(shishi)to do this:

1) what is the most important thing in your life ?
My family & friends ofcause ?

2) what is the last thing you bought with your own money ?
i think i brought everything by myself?

3) where do you wish to get married ?
Wait till future then decide?

4) how old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love ?
i don't know,how can predict future?

5) are you in love ?
Ermmm... secret(:

6) where was the last restaurant you had your dinner ?
i forgotten,ps :X

7) name the latest book that you have bought .
Nope,i dun buy books as i find it boring?

8) what is your full name ?
Cindy.Low Zywei

9) do you prefer your mother or your father ?

10) name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time ?

11) chrisitna or britney ?
i don't know who is them and i dun wish to know them.

12) do you do your own laundry ?
during the time when my mum was not around?

13) the most exciting place that you want to go ?
a place where we can enjoy and be ourself.

14) hugs or kisses ?

15) point out 5 things about the peson who tagged you
1. she is funny
2. she pull my hair everytime
3. i think she is kuku?
4. she has what humans have:X
5. she love to jokes?

16) 8 things im passionate about :
Dance & thing about 邱勝翊,王子 only?

17) 8 things i say too often :
i think is only one that is 'i don know'

18) 8 books i've read recently :
i hate storybooks.

19) 8 songs i could listen to over and over again :
我們之間,幸福就好,愛情學測,You make me a fool,
love song,為你寫詩& all other 棒棒堂 songs.

20) 8 things i've learnt last year :
study bahs?

21) 8 people to tag xD
Yilin sister,
Mabel shoesshoes,
Shuying sister,
shihui? but she already do le?
Yeeting Sult,
Kahying candyfloss,
Joann Zillian-ing Partner,
Fiona Airen,
Joanna Babysweetie,
& other people who want to do:D
You are all welcome to do xD

May 26, 2008

aww,i'm tired.
something just keep flashing
through my mind:/
i don't know how to explain either.
yesterday i just cry, it just can't stop
flowing out of my eyes.
it is because if something some reasons.
i shall not mention that in blog,
as it is quite private things to actually say out.
somewhat if i say out,
some of you will eventually laugh at how
stupid i was -.- i shall not
talk about this as it makes me feel more
like crying nowww. Today i
had my fringe cut and is was terrible funny.
look at my display picture there.
i ask my mum to cut my fringe
for me as i am super lazy to go to a salon?
my mum hair cut=No licence.
But compare to some salon was mum
skills is not bad already:/
i hope my fringe can grow longerr!
Some stupid joke.
Is breast halal(?)
Answer, no! Cos is Nehneh(POK)

May 24, 2008

today went Singapore flyers with
my mum and it is counted as okays?
i find that acceptable but
quite boring luh.i get to se many thing,wow.
Super cool shall upload the pictures
tomorrow i promise.
after the ride we went hippo ride.
and is is counted is boring:/
get back to singapore flyer there and
walk walk ? And a artist drew
a cartoon of my face and it is super fucking
cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee! :X

eventually i looks happy during the
trip but then not now:/
i can tell you now,straight away.
i'm super un-positive.
i don't know why? i know how to persuade
people to stay positive yet now?
i myself, don't even think i can even
cheer myself up or even just stay positive?
i need my friends and Mr.Tomato now.

May 23, 2008

Actually i should be happy now:/
but then because of
something then abit no mood now.
i'm moodless now.
i got back my report book:D
My class position is number three,
i am super shocked
when i saw the result that i get luh.
My mum is going to reward
me with moneyyyyyyyy $!
i hope all my friends will get good result:X
eventually i don't know
what is love? and it look so
difficult luh.& i know i fucking
miss Mr.tomato.
& is like holiday like months?
i really miss the times when i saw
him every monday having
his pe lessons there too.
even if he is just infront of me i
dare not went across him?
is like he don't know who i am and i know
who is he? and this year is his last year
in this school.
Ng wc ,mr.tomato<3
love love love love


May 21, 2008

holidays are coming soon :D
i think this friday i and leeyee girlfriend
and alyssa and yiman going
for jobs interview,but i scare i got no
time for my cca? because
i am going back to school during school
holiday luh. So,i still dun know:/
suddenly today,i miss my Mabelngiang shoesshoes.
i think i didn't talk to her or
saw her? somewhat miss her alots during
class. i think she should come
and find me every morning and let me see her?
siao already~ & people dun ever
snatch her from me okays,because she
is just so important to me?
i Fucking love her(:

May 20, 2008

fuck off :/i am having headaches,
and it is killing me luh.
today went for a talk with my
classmates:D & after that we went
to Fuji xerox and it is
quite fun?Maybe because we don't
need to study at school?
Not long along i just came homeee,
home sweet home xD. because
of the driver of the bus,which dun't
know where is Fuji Xerox,
make me headaches because he keep
turn here turn there.
it is super dizzy and i hate it.
i almost vomitttttttttttt in the bus luh.
& nowadays the weather is
super hot, freaking hot sun la,hate it.
Last saturday night i went back to grandma
house for happy belated
MOTHER'S DAY! it was super bored
there and you go there is
like nothing to do lols, so i just sleep there.
but we celebrate mother's day
the next day which is sunday, whoooooos;/
then after celebration
we went back to singapore, love it mans.
i love my house moreee :D
Tags replied (:
mabelngiangggg:i'm back already le.
hohohos,mabel miss me?omg, why injured your
thumbs and knees? xin tong liao luhhhh. see i
so worried about you siahhhhhs.

xp: Hello xinpei
yeeting: i miss you toos luh (:
yT:thanks yeetheng :D
shihui:hahahaha,shihui will miss people one mehs?
mabelngiangggg:ofcause pro luh. i who? Cindy leh.
ofcause smart (: i want try if you really love me mahs!
♥shuying: i miss you toos!
alyssa: jiayous , jiayous!

May 16, 2008

My Cookie Monster shirt (:
aactually want buy elmo dehs
then no stock so buy this one luh :D
It is super cute!
Tomorrow going to malaysia
already, going to miss my friends
especially Mabelngiang, my shoesshoes
& also Yilin sister not
forgetting them i miss my
shuying sister and shishi toos!(:
but i scare they dun miss me at all -.-
i got back my result and i was quite satisfied
with it? because i passed :D
Mathematics Paper one :40/50
Mathematics Paper two :32/50
Chinese paper one :18/20
Chines paper three : 21/30
F&n paper one:36/60
F&n paper two:34/45
Computer applications paper one :16/20
Computer applications paper two :18/30
Science :51/80
English paper one :44/80
English paper two:43.5/60
Yes, i passed all my subjectssssss!
Outing with shoesshoes & sister soon!

May 15, 2008

tomorrow get back all my paper.
i think i am going to die ,i think i am
going to fail some subject-.-
Or can/should i say my all subject?
the subject which i am
not confidence to pass is maths & science.
God,let me pass them,please.
i had just watch finish惡作劇2吻,
and almost the ending
when xiangqing got illness or what,
i almost cry out because it
is freaking touching & sadddd :O
& i saw 邱勝翊,My wangzi in it toos.
when i saw him i just shout, 王子,王子,王子(:
& in 恶作剧2吻 he acted as a guy
name Nubu, a star (:
tomorrow going to get my cookie monster
shirt from yeetheng :D whoos!
Mabelngiang shoesshoes,Yes our next outing
is at LOT 1!
& saturday i will be going to
malaysia for dun know what reason?
Must miss me yeah ,People?

May 14, 2008

Today is a alright day (:
i wake up at 10am pus today,
well i was early:D
woke up and do my all sorts of
stuff & went to on tv straight away.
watch 惡作劇2吻 and it is
SUPER F-U-N-N-Y! i laugh alots:P
i had just change my blogskins,
with the help of yongxin my blogskin is done
in an 1 hours time (:
thanks to Yongxin luh, thanks thanks!
seriously i change blogskin always because i
find it bored to see the
blogskins again and again kind of bored luh.
so i changed (:
& i am super broke nowwwww!
and i want to buy many many thing laas.
especially the bangbangtang thing,
which contain all bangbangtang things luh.
it cost about $25.90 or what.
i round off it to $30.00 bucks lahs.
God, please give me money?
Tags Repliedddddd (:
mabelngiangggg:i'm greedy indeed but i know i love him(:
so i dun mind being greedy.Next outing-Lot 1 (:
shihui:dun quarrel luh, shishi :P
♥shuying:Yeahs, outing soon luh hor, sister!
alyssa:yeah the girl is super cute & funny la:D
alyssa:i love today toos!
liyoke:D: hello twinnie, loves toos!
mabelngiangggg: hahaha,don't quarel luh (:
i love you two what?! Buttttt, i love my shoesshoes more xD
shihui:Daily tags is only for me,Cindy:D

May 13, 2008

&Mabel Shoesshoes,
@ comics connection,
jurong point dun have the
poster at all lols,lot 1 is better i should
go lot 1 moreeeeee! xD but
i am still not satisfied at all. &
i am going to g
rab it at lot1!
alot alot more at least 5:D
ohyaaaa,i went to bugis today(:
Pei alyssa laoma to go buy her shorts luh,
abit troublesome la, but
i had super much fun at there, i wasss
just end my exams jiu go celebrate le.
when i was waiting for bus 30.
a bus 240 passby then my sister,shuying
msg me that she saw me.
then i was really shocked luh,
dun know why:/ the bus was super slow la, hate it.
then reach jurong point le,
alyssa still haven't come so
i headed to Comics connection to buy strawsss!
but i didn't bring scissors so didn't cut.
just now just cut it:O
Meet her and headed to bugis,
a lots and alots of fun luh,then after bugis then
we went to Lot 1,we two brought
handphone dolls and it is super cute luh.
then alyssa went shopping sprees (:
then head to her house for awhile, then
take bus 181 to jurong point and take bus 30 back home(:
let Neoprints talk for nowwww!


my hair look so puffy,omg!

i look like pig head-.-

idiotic :P
later going to eat medicine(:

May 12, 2008

just now went to clinic,
i was sick luh and also something
happen to my face-.- i
shall not say that because it what luh~
i freaking hate my face now!
yesterday was mother's day but i didn't
prepare anything for my mum~
i'm sorry about her la,apologize
because i was quite busy with my test this
week so dun have time to prepare anythingggg!
Tags replied (:
mabelngiangggg: ohkays sure luh (: aiseh love me
arh?Yeah, i love you too xD Jiayou for your paper too!
♥shuying:hello sister (:
xp:Hello toos!
mabelngiangggg: daily tag is super loved :D
mabelngiangggg:nevermind,got tag jiu hao le.
alyssa: well, luh rocks.
shihui:but it is very late then say lols.
`JASMINE(::hello jasmine (:
IAMSHERYL!: hello sheryl:P
shihui:my face so ugly siolllllllllllllll!
&.JASLYN(: i will cheer up!
shihui:nevermind luhs, it is okay
CHi SenG:korkor, i will work hard deh luh.
xp:hello (:
mabelngiangggg:shoesshoes,yeah we are going out after exam.xD
mabelngiangggg:thanks for your daily tag, i super love you

May 8, 2008

tmr,i dun need go school because no exam
for tmr,was like damn high luh(:
& seriously now i feel like dancing luhhs.
i mean not modern dance
but those kind of breaking,well i know it is abit
boylish luh, but girls can dance also what?!
i promise i am going to learn breaking
soon luh, so cool luh hor :P
i seriously dun know what to do for tmr mans!
Maybe i am going to sleep till 10 something, well it is
super nice luh (: but next week i still
have two more paper to go luh,then can slack le luh.

May 7, 2008

i am super bored now,
i dun feel like going school tmr,because it sucks
luh like we go there take test then go
home already, so boring luh.
went school for flag raising after that
had my computer test,
the test was very very alrights!
but some question i just anyhow do,well i know
i'm super pro luh.
9 something reach home, well my
house it really boring like what?omg,i hate it luh.
accompany my mum to supermarket
to buy vegetables all those stuffssssss & after that
went to buy fried bee hoon(:
went back home & eat straight away because
i am super hungry luh~.
Eat finish le jiu go play computer[x
play till like 1pm something?
because my dad want use the computer,
so i let him use,okays i know i super good luh:D
chat with my friend, sithu (:
chat with him like 2hours something
because my mum nagging me
then we stop & end our talking luhh~
he is damn freaking funny luh, laugh alots yeahs.
we got endless topic mans!
& we talk alots of thing about our childhood luhs(:
super funny lols. Sithu,the ice cream make of......?
Sithu,you shall know what i say xD
tomorrow going to have test on home econs.
seriously got nothing to learn luh,
but i still have to learn luh, i'm super guai okays?

May 5, 2008

today had my exams.
damn fed up la,i don't know why i am
so fed up for what?
Maybe exams are making me
crazy as i can be, maybe?
Chicken backside luh, today exam was damn
freaking tried, i was tired &
beat after the the first exam got really no
mood for the last exam for the
day. but well, the last exam which is Chinese comprehension
was freaking bored and bored listen and
just do. well i feel that the school can play different music
in our any exams to keep us entertaining right?
& seriously i want to lead a life full of
enjoyment don't you think so?
i feel myself trap inside a big big hole which
i can get it off? i really hope someone
who really cares about me can bring me out of this hole.

May 2, 2008

Yesterday went to Ang mo kio hub for shopping
with my family, loveeeees [:
i brought a purple shirt which is my favourite.
well, i love it alot & my bro brought
his shoes at converse there.@##@$%@
My mum dun want buy for me, so
i'm going to save money to buy the purple converse
shoes,because it is damn freaking
Niceeeee :P
& after exam i am going for swimming as
i have gain 2-3 kg, idiottttttt!
i want to slim downnnnn ,god grant me my wish:D
after exam also will be going out
with friends bahs, maybe my airen? i miss her damn
freaking lots like about 3 months like that?
Meet up with friends very soon! :X
Mabel ngiang shoesshoes & Yilin sister especially!
today was quite a peaceful day.
as i need not hear any teacher crapping at my ears
saying 'next week is exam,you still dun want listen'.
well today had my exams.
Mother tongue paper 1 + Social studies.
i find that social studies is easy luhh~
because compare to last year social studies this is
much more easier. Mother tongue was
as usually okok. i went macdonald after that~
as i was waiting for bus to macdonald,
i wait for the bus wait until i get angry and scold some
vulgars. it is fucking long lols.
i say if the bus still dun come i will call the sbs
transit bus to complain the staffs
member. Well think again, will i be so free to call them?
& i also dun know the number:X and how would i waste my money
on this kind of stupid things?
but i say that because i am angryyyyy!
luckily tomorrow is saturday, a public holidays for me!
& a time for me to rest for a day, happyyyy!
well nowadays my mood is going round & round.
i hope to get back to my old life with lots of laughter:D
Dania hughug,cheer up, cheer up kays luh?
because seeing you unhappy make me feel sad too.
althought i had not know you long well, but i love you toos!
& i love my cheeks alots yeahs:D
& can someone buy me bangbangtang poster
for my birthday? i will thanks you alots!
and give you a big wet kiss:X
longest post ever xD
Chye foody i agree i'm the dumbest ever!
i'm find myself,
looking out of the window and trying
to find myself in the air.
