May 30, 2008

Mabel ngiang,my shoesshoes!
Jiayous for your match tmr yahs?
Never win dun come and call me shoesshoes arhs?
Joking lurhs,i hope you just
do your best alrights? i know you can do it :D

i wish to support you at there
perharps no? because i don't know where you
are having your matches, sorry?
Mabel shoessho
es is mineeee xD
I love my shoesshoes manxzxzxzxzxz!
hahahs,there is no trainging tmr,finallyyyy.
i can eventually get a good rest?
afternoon when kfc w/
my sweet and cute junior,Yingjun :D
to have our lunchhhh, she is totally
a kai xin guo cans? she make me laugh like madwomenzxzx!
we laugh alots alots:D

& i have already order a bucket bag,
but until next week the
n can get,i want it now manzxzx!
Mdm rani say that ' time is precious '
what about yesterday?we waited for it like
6 hours plus , then how to explain about it? i am

just super pissed off by that~

王子&毛弟 childhood pictureees


I realised that I..
am always thinking a lot & crying when I'm alone.
I still don't know what my heart wants.
I still don't know why I'm crying.
I still don't know a lot a lot of things.
Everything in my life just sucks so much, ):
graphic myspace at



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