May 26, 2008

aww,i'm tired.
something just keep flashing
through my mind:/
i don't know how to explain either.
yesterday i just cry, it just can't stop
flowing out of my eyes.
it is because if something some reasons.
i shall not mention that in blog,
as it is quite private things to actually say out.
somewhat if i say out,
some of you will eventually laugh at how
stupid i was -.- i shall not
talk about this as it makes me feel more
like crying nowww. Today i
had my fringe cut and is was terrible funny.
look at my display picture there.
i ask my mum to cut my fringe
for me as i am super lazy to go to a salon?
my mum hair cut=No licence.
But compare to some salon was mum
skills is not bad already:/
i hope my fringe can grow longerr!
Some stupid joke.
Is breast halal(?)
Answer, no! Cos is Nehneh(POK)


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