May 13, 2008

&Mabel Shoesshoes,
@ comics connection,
jurong point dun have the
poster at all lols,lot 1 is better i should
go lot 1 moreeeeee! xD but
i am still not satisfied at all. &
i am going to g
rab it at lot1!
alot alot more at least 5:D
ohyaaaa,i went to bugis today(:
Pei alyssa laoma to go buy her shorts luh,
abit troublesome la, but
i had super much fun at there, i wasss
just end my exams jiu go celebrate le.
when i was waiting for bus 30.
a bus 240 passby then my sister,shuying
msg me that she saw me.
then i was really shocked luh,
dun know why:/ the bus was super slow la, hate it.
then reach jurong point le,
alyssa still haven't come so
i headed to Comics connection to buy strawsss!
but i didn't bring scissors so didn't cut.
just now just cut it:O
Meet her and headed to bugis,
a lots and alots of fun luh,then after bugis then
we went to Lot 1,we two brought
handphone dolls and it is super cute luh.
then alyssa went shopping sprees (:
then head to her house for awhile, then
take bus 181 to jurong point and take bus 30 back home(:
let Neoprints talk for nowwww!


my hair look so puffy,omg!

i look like pig head-.-

idiotic :P
later going to eat medicine(:


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