May 7, 2008

i am super bored now,
i dun feel like going school tmr,because it sucks
luh like we go there take test then go
home already, so boring luh.
went school for flag raising after that
had my computer test,
the test was very very alrights!
but some question i just anyhow do,well i know
i'm super pro luh.
9 something reach home, well my
house it really boring like what?omg,i hate it luh.
accompany my mum to supermarket
to buy vegetables all those stuffssssss & after that
went to buy fried bee hoon(:
went back home & eat straight away because
i am super hungry luh~.
Eat finish le jiu go play computer[x
play till like 1pm something?
because my dad want use the computer,
so i let him use,okays i know i super good luh:D
chat with my friend, sithu (:
chat with him like 2hours something
because my mum nagging me
then we stop & end our talking luhh~
he is damn freaking funny luh, laugh alots yeahs.
we got endless topic mans!
& we talk alots of thing about our childhood luhs(:
super funny lols. Sithu,the ice cream make of......?
Sithu,you shall know what i say xD
tomorrow going to have test on home econs.
seriously got nothing to learn luh,
but i still have to learn luh, i'm super guai okays?


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