April 23, 2008

Today was like asshole day!
mood wasn't great this week, especially
english lesson,i was like why must we everyday write
here write there,is like useless?
character development was going air-con room
'watch just follow the law' laugh alots yeah.
just now just completed my 1/4 of reading my textbooks.
got no mood for that so i opnly read 1/4 of it.
& tomorrow havind chinese common test :P
i need to get back the right mood to study hard now.
is like exams are like coming in days time?
& i am not ready for anything?
And I promise i will be a good good girl for the time being:)
& pay attention to class & mug hard for
if you see me reading books or studying,please
dun be shock because that is Cindy!
Tags reply hereeeee!
mabelngiangggg:i hearts Mabel shoesshoes too!
REENA!:D:yeah,you are link :X
shihui:Shishi,hahaha,never pull tio my hair:D hyper~
KahYing:Thanks my candyfloss who tag me!
layling:lols,what is soam?
mabelngiangggg:Hello shoesshoes xiuxiu!thanks for tagging me,lovesss<3
shihui:Hello shishi<3
alyssa:hello laoma! :D
j♥ann:Hello Joann! :P
liyoke:hello twinnyyyyy!:X
layling:nope,i where got angry? i play play deh.i cindy leh where
got so easy get angry deh?
FOODY:Foody,of cause lah i very good deh lols.
anyway happy belated birthday kays? kays kays
next time i wish you happy birthday kays?


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