April 21, 2008

Claps for me?
i did pay attention in Maths & Science.
some sorts of mircales?i supposed?
today i am damn proud of fizah laaaas,damn cute & funny!
She shouted to mr.sam:hey mr.sam,it is just
a simple question yet you need to teach until so long?
& i can tell mr.sam expression was like
nothing to sayyyyyyyy~
he turn back to the white board and teach other question.
i was like,Fizah you my hero!
Pe,i play badminton since there was no other game to play.
And i agree that i am lousy in badminton.
I AGREE,I AGREE.i'm a badminton noob.
shall train my skills this wednesday during physical education lesson!:X
i promise i will be BAMINTON PRO soon!
i think maybee i am going to change my blog url?
i feel like i am sick of the url?
thinking what should i put at my blog url :D
please give some suggestion:P


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