April 16, 2008

I feel so damn fed up?
i dun know why jss have such a useless teacher?
i dun give a damn on her.
she lost her water bottle in the computer lab
and our class is the last class to
use the computer lab and she accuse that it
is either one of our class student stolen her water bottle.
think what we 2a so free mehs?
go take your water bottle? you think your water bottle
is make of gold issit?who want to take?
it is just a water bottle.
you give me i also want decide i want it anot?
still to make it a big case, too free issit?
Waste our whole class time for this stupid idiot bottle.
today was character development lesson,
mr.paran lesson was still okay.
we went to watch movie in the air-con room.
watch freedom writers, it is damn nice okay!
i dun mind watching it over
and over again, next wednesday will be the last
lesson for us! Damn great can?
I ♥ My Girlfriends :D


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