March 17, 2008

today lessons totally sucksss!
i am totally not
in mood can? Science lessons i didn't
even listen to teacher & like
kind of sickk those kind, sleeping there
Soo ass lahs can?
but at least i got do the
worksheet by miss lam, she is a good teacher
actually:D Maths was ok but same
it is so boring la.Physical class
was fun actually, did running which okok.
& english do some acticles and
writing thing thing. & went for a movie
at library,it is those kind of cartoon
it lookvery ke ai :x
& somethings make us laugh
was the word 'pigeon'. all our classmate
laugh, shall not say who or what does it means
if not later he angryy or dulan!
After School
went to canteen to buy food
for taking picturesss!
i find it quite lame when taking pictures lol.
food also need take? want take go take
neoprint la. & need go find people to
take pictures of the fried food.
Lamee .__.
On the way to bus-stop,
chat with Yi man ,Huishi & layling
Take bussss!
& homed after that:D


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