March 13, 2008

Back from campp yesterday,
didn't post because i
was recharging my sleep from
the camp. because i sleep
at around 1 or 2am.
& wake up at 6 something or what?
forgot le, hahahaha
yesterday went back from camp & pack my
stuff & went sleep at 3 pm like that
after that 6 something
i wake up & because there was nothing
much to do & i went back to sleep
and i didn't wake up till morning
9am like that then
i wake up from bed.
I didn't had
my dinner yesterdayyy :x
i think camp was okok i think better
then last years ones.
i did enjoys the camppp
& i did reporting was quite poorr.
because there was item,
'this is a plain piece of paper,within it is my
passion for dance, i love you dance,macks
by ma'am jessica,ma'am see mun,
ma'am meiqi & sir gary'.
i was like blurr, because i am a blurrqueen.
Hope no more this kind of item during reporting.


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