March 5, 2008


Today sort of lame day today.
i am freaking no mooooood and i am just so
angry because of yesterday.
what a terrible day man! the studium are damn freaking
what? i go there i lost my things and my skirt
got some kind dirt there and i had to wash it
okays this nevermind and worst still i lost my wallet.
Shit asss!
i damn feeling kinda of stupid of me to lose things.
today had my character development
lesson which make me kinda of creative in my talking:D
The teacher are damn funny & i joke with him.
hohohos,he agree with me that i am smart & celver(x
but actually i find him weird?
he say next lesson do sandwich,then i was thinking
this is Food&Nutrition lesson mehh?
& next week is holidays,who want to come?
Kinda of bluffing us? whatever as long as we need not
do worksheets & and those kind of lame things
that will be great for us ,as i say i am lazy:-x
stupid asshole,i lose my bangbangtang pictures,
which i had brought at comice connection
there because i put it at my wallet & now
my wallet is lost,i damn freaking miss it man!

i 王子!



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