February 1, 2008

aww,come here and blog because my爱人 ask me to update ma.
i promise everyone i will update deh!
today damn bored laa,kind of want to sleep in class, but then can't.
What the hell right? Today Miss Lam cry at science period,she say that she
very dissapointed in us. Seriously i agree also.
Lay Ling say, Miss lam everytime also cry de :x
But i find Miss Cheng more crybaby lol, student scold abit only ma,
need cry until so serious meh?Miss Lam cry is because she too dissapointed in us,
different laa. i dun like Miss cheng.But her full name is funny laa.
Miss Crystal Cheng Soon Kuee, if i am not wrong, cool name and also funny.
oh ya,BangBangtang album,i am going to buy it soon,should save up money from
now, because i am damn broken laa. i wish i could have everything i wants:x
especially BangBangTang 哪里怕 album,soon i am going get it!


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