March 22, 2008

Yesterday,went out
with mummy,aunt,a baby &
cousin and her boyfrienddd.
we went shopping spree.
but it is only furnitures,hahahaha
went ikea having lots lots fun
playing the toys
there as i am just an three-years old
kids which come out of zoo?
Playing like mad people which came
out of the woodbridge hospital.
which is for
those real mad womans/mens.
& also went try out
the food there etc.
Chicken wings,Meat balls,Cheese cake
and Chocolate musse :D

full picture of foods!


Chocolate musse:D

Chicken wingss! :x
& exams are like countdown to
2 or three days yeah?
freaking scary this time hope
A1 for every
subjects? but i know it could not be lahs?
Mummy is going overseas this
tuesday morninggg,arh do take cares bahs.
& my lovely cheer for Sister [:
to cheer her up from kind of unhappy.
To yilin: but this cheer is not
really that nice quite old cheering bahs,
i guess so? but hope you like it!
Cheer for sister
Peel banana ,
peel peel banana,
Squeeze banana,
squeeze squeeze banana,
Shake banana,
shake shake banana,
Banana world united!
:x Cheer up sisterr! & loves!
i really hopes that sister could be
back to the old times
when you are really happy but
nevermind if you were not with me.
so cheer up sister, there are many happy
things in the world not only unhappiness
But it is happiness with friends!
Best sister, hope after you had seen this
post you will cheer upp!


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