April 17, 2008

Happy Belated 17 years old birthday
to my

Opps,sorry arh. yesterday never wish you happy birthday.
But at least i wuxims still got write happy birthday
lahs. School is boring like what?!
Maths was chicken feet but i didn't do my workbook
Blank on my workbook but then i ask
Juliyana to help me do. thanks to her,she manage to
fill my workbook with handwriting :X
a great help to meeeeeeeeee :D
English,was hell boring while doing
my worksheet i ask kim teck for answer for questions.
which kill my brains cells arhhhhhhhhh!
Recess was Niceee!
after that is f&n lessons, so boring can?
i almost fall asleep man,chicken lols:X
after that was chinese lesson laught until i stomach pain can?
after school i keep sanging'yiman,yiman,yiman,yiman'
from like do-ra-me-fa-so-la-ti-to tone.
i laugh till stomachh pain can?


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