April 29, 2008

29 april 08
well recently nothing to blog yeah.
but must update mah :X
well school was okok,alrights but boring enough.
after school went jurong east with
my beloved shoesshoes,mabel ngiang!
i love going out with her, can share many thing with her:D
actually want to go library study deh then
mabel wants to eat,so we went delifrance.{opps idk how spell}
we study at there,it was quite cooling~
after then 5 something or 6 something went imm.
accompany mabel find her things at
mini toons. after that went find bangbangtang picture!
Omg, i love it alots yeahs! xD
i love my shoesshoes & our outing soon again yeahs?
& happy birthday to xinpei in advance.
Gastric are killing me-.-
Tags replied:P
KOrKOr: hello chiseng korkor,i will study hard
& i will try not to cut my hand:X
shihui:hello shishi,no lah no cute at all.
i love you also mahs :P
mabelngiangggg:i can't wait for another outing together
yeahs? i love today xD but didn't take pictures together!


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