May 14, 2008

Today is a alright day (:
i wake up at 10am pus today,
well i was early:D
woke up and do my all sorts of
stuff & went to on tv straight away.
watch 惡作劇2吻 and it is
SUPER F-U-N-N-Y! i laugh alots:P
i had just change my blogskins,
with the help of yongxin my blogskin is done
in an 1 hours time (:
thanks to Yongxin luh, thanks thanks!
seriously i change blogskin always because i
find it bored to see the
blogskins again and again kind of bored luh.
so i changed (:
& i am super broke nowwwww!
and i want to buy many many thing laas.
especially the bangbangtang thing,
which contain all bangbangtang things luh.
it cost about $25.90 or what.
i round off it to $30.00 bucks lahs.
God, please give me money?
Tags Repliedddddd (:
mabelngiangggg:i'm greedy indeed but i know i love him(:
so i dun mind being greedy.Next outing-Lot 1 (:
shihui:dun quarrel luh, shishi :P
♥shuying:Yeahs, outing soon luh hor, sister!
alyssa:yeah the girl is super cute & funny la:D
alyssa:i love today toos!
liyoke:D: hello twinnie, loves toos!
mabelngiangggg: hahaha,don't quarel luh (:
i love you two what?! Buttttt, i love my shoesshoes more xD
shihui:Daily tags is only for me,Cindy:D


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