May 28, 2008

Tagged by shihui(shishi)to do this:

1) what is the most important thing in your life ?
My family & friends ofcause ?

2) what is the last thing you bought with your own money ?
i think i brought everything by myself?

3) where do you wish to get married ?
Wait till future then decide?

4) how old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love ?
i don't know,how can predict future?

5) are you in love ?
Ermmm... secret(:

6) where was the last restaurant you had your dinner ?
i forgotten,ps :X

7) name the latest book that you have bought .
Nope,i dun buy books as i find it boring?

8) what is your full name ?
Cindy.Low Zywei

9) do you prefer your mother or your father ?

10) name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time ?

11) chrisitna or britney ?
i don't know who is them and i dun wish to know them.

12) do you do your own laundry ?
during the time when my mum was not around?

13) the most exciting place that you want to go ?
a place where we can enjoy and be ourself.

14) hugs or kisses ?

15) point out 5 things about the peson who tagged you
1. she is funny
2. she pull my hair everytime
3. i think she is kuku?
4. she has what humans have:X
5. she love to jokes?

16) 8 things im passionate about :
Dance & thing about 邱勝翊,王子 only?

17) 8 things i say too often :
i think is only one that is 'i don know'

18) 8 books i've read recently :
i hate storybooks.

19) 8 songs i could listen to over and over again :
我們之間,幸福就好,愛情學測,You make me a fool,
love song,為你寫詩& all other 棒棒堂 songs.

20) 8 things i've learnt last year :
study bahs?

21) 8 people to tag xD
Yilin sister,
Mabel shoesshoes,
Shuying sister,
shihui? but she already do le?
Yeeting Sult,
Kahying candyfloss,
Joann Zillian-ing Partner,
Fiona Airen,
Joanna Babysweetie,
& other people who want to do:D
You are all welcome to do xD


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