May 8, 2009

Happy 15th birthday,Bah Yiman!

Today is a tough day and fun day for me,because we organize
a surprise birthday party for her.It is super difficult to ask her to go to the
party venue as it is an surprise. I gonna say, i spent alot of time
to ask her go. But in the end,she still went!When we reach the venue,
i cover her eyes until we reach the shelter.Just in time,the cake come out.
We sang birthday song for her. I guess she is very touched :D
After the cutting cake and stuffs,we went to play together,it is my best day
in 2009! I bet there will be more great days to come!After playing,
we went Chinese garden to explore and then Superbowl and lastly home-ed!
Hope you enjoy yeah?& April i wanna grab the pictures! :D

Yiman's birthday cake!

This turtle is super cute! & My camera skills is superb!
For more pictures,

To xxx,
There's a piece of you inside my heart,
That runs to deep to describe.
And you're so much more than wonderful,
So much more than I can see
And I could spend forever hoping
You'd be here with me


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