October 31, 2008

It sucks badly, i mean it.

Misunderstandings sucks please. It's true,
and rumours ain't true at times too.
So,can you all stop that rumours about me and .......!
is like,What makes you think that i am with him? what makes you
think i love him? Stop this rubbish before i take
actions to your word. There's a limit to everything no matter what.
A heart always belongs to one person.
But the one person is totally not him, because we are totally
just friends. Normal friends.
My heart is only mean for the guy whom i love,
Which is Mr.tomato ohkay! No one else can affect him in
my heart. Bestfriend(s) & Girlfriend(s) are not forgetten!They are
also part of my life ohkay! :D
Time can't erase a feeling that is strong.
Mr.tomato,The apple of my eye. I love him,deeply.
Tuesday, going town with Mabel shoesshoes
& Shihui the crazygirl yeahz!
I am looking forward to outing w/ them! Loves!

Tags reply,everyone,

To shihui:Crazygirl! So long never tag me already! i miss you manz!
To layling: Buddy/Meimei,i miss you! i will tag your blog when i am
free okay?

To Agnes!: Hello junior! Jiayou in dance!
To Sheryl.:Hello senior! See you in dance already! Hahah! Jiayou in dance yeah! :D

Labels: ,

October 28, 2008


23 September – 22 October

* Negotiation and settlement
* Music and harmony
* Ideas and opinions
* Tact and self-control
* Enhancement and sophistication
* Level-headedness and fair dealing
* Charm and flirtation
* Fair-minded
* Charming
* Artistic
* Calm temper
* Sociable
* Intellectual
* Easygoing
* Never jumps to conclusions
* Fearful and emotionally fragile
* Manipulative
* Flirtatious
* Avoids confrontation
* Self-indulgent
* Indecisive
Colours -Green, purple, pink
Plants -Aloe, myrtle, rose
Perfume -Galbanum
Gemstone -Emerald
Metal -Copper
Tarot card -Justice
Animal -Elephant
Typical appearance (totally look like Mr.tomato!)
* Balanced features
* Usually good-looking
* Appealing and charming voice
* Refined and athletic build
* Dresses with slight discrimination
* Often has a dimpled chin or cheeks
Personality (I guess this look like Mr.tomato character!)
* Wants to always make a good impression
* Gives wise advice
* Always tries to solve conflicts
* Likes to be informed
* Very romantic
* Likes to spend money abundantly
* Gives the impression of emotional coldness
* Tends to be a bit vain
* Listening or studying music
* Dance
* Debating
* Travel to romantic and sophisticated places
* Computers and video games
* The finer things in life
* Friendly environments
* Sharing and assisting
* Gentleness
* Honesty and fairness
* Being of service
* Arguments and conflict
* Violence
* People who are slaves to fashion
* Intentional unkindness
* Cheap things (i don't think so,cheap things might be useful then expensive things.)
Falling in love, you:
* Ignore weaknesses
* Are put off by blatant flirtation
* Go to great lengths to make sure your partner is never upset
In love, you expect:
* Faithfulness and loyalty
* To be admired
* An independent partner
* To be amused
* Someone who shares the same tastes as you
How to capture a Libran’s heart?
* Be intelligent, classy and extremely good-looking
* Never be needy
* Take him/her to places that are naturally beautiful
* Constantly keep the flattery coming.

October 25, 2008

You're my everything that I could ever dream of.

Everything didn't turn out what i expected it to be.Do you know how it feels when
i am in dark? Do you know how many
sleepless night i had gone through?Today,I wanted to see you so much,
I held on so tight to your picture with my two hands,
And i stood outside to cry,[/]

Anyway the "stay-home-sickness" have been getting into me too much lately.
I don't know why either. Perhaps my friends were too busy with
their stuffs nowadays. And also, i am having my dance training every week.
so meetup will be lesser, i think. Do you know why are there
so many training this holidays? Because of next year syf,so we gonna mug
hard for a gold for syf next year! :D Do you remember
what i say in last post? I wanna buy a new bag,but somehow i haven't
decide if i am going to but that buy,so i will go around mall.
to check out bags! I'm waiting for O'levels to finish,Because Pinky promise
that he will help me after his O'levels. Help me with some relationships
stuffsz! So, O'levels faster end! I want buy many thing and many stuffsz!
But i am broke now. So i'm going to save money! $!
Sigh, so many things have been going on my mind.

sometimes I really wish I would stop,
though it feels like death everyday. My heart does not rest for one day,
and I've never stopped regretting even for one time.
Can you see my tears? Can you hear my sighs? Though I swallow again
and again, it overflows.
Grant me my wishes,

I Wanna get a bag,as i said in my last post.
Victoria's Secret Mesh Tote bag, is the bag which caught my
eye while looking throught internet. The bag it
damn cool. Black in colour,cost about 60 bucks. Quite expensive.
but i think i worth ,Because it is super nice!
Hahahs, i got sponsor by minghow, he sponsor me 20 bucks!
Thank yah!Cool manz! save money for the bag
from today, i will beg my mum to sponsor me too! Because
i am damn broke now. Broke now!
i wanna find a job so i can buy the bag! & stuffs i like! (L)!
I had been missing my friends. Shoesshoes,
Crazygirl, My girlfriend(s)! Not forgetting my Mr.tomato!
Mr.tomato!Mr.tomato!(L) & also Pigman!
I missing chatting with him in msn, those funny chats was totally
enjoy! :D Loves alrights! God, grant me wishes can?

October 24, 2008

I say billionth times, I love you.

Thursday was a sad and happy day for me, i guess?
Firstly,why am i sad? Because, 2A'08 is
going to seperate? 1A'07/2A'08 is the best class in sec 2!
Memories always stays, no matter we are
in which class, i will always remember those memories you all gave
me. Things which is meaningful will always keep
in side my heart. Yes, it will not be erase from my mind/heart.
Secondly,why am i happy? Because,i
got back my report book, and i got 2nd in class, damn
happy that i improve, so i won't get any
scolding from my mum. Thanks god!I'm damn lucky! Lucky girl!
Take bus 98 w/ Shoesshoes and Crazygirl.
We were totally fooling around, but too bad i got off early.
Back home,mum ask me if i want to jurong point,
so i say yes. Then took bus 30 to jurong point to pay her stuffs.
Then kfc for lunch! Yummy please! then went to
find suitable shoes for me,but there was no suitable shoes for me!
So instead of finding shoes,
we went shopping at this fashion,brought knitted
tanktop or what? sponsor by my mum! thanks mum!& your shirt
is nice please! Because it is chosen by your daughter!
Went we were about to go back home, i told my mum:'mum, i still
haven't buy my shoes' then my mum replied :' don't need buy lah'. But i
insist to buy so we went to the shoes shop and found something
that suits me! So my mum brought it for me!(L)!
Seriously, i want buy a jelly bag,because it is way too stylish for me!
But some normal bags will suits me too i guess? i just
want Bags,bags,bag! Bags are totally cool and bags is always my love!

October 22, 2008

A super cool day,

Today is a super fun day, Rock-climbing @ Costa sands Resort.
Cool manz. It's super fun because it's my
first time trying Rock-climbing, i guess i will miss it alot.
Our instructors are quite good to us,
i prefer them then Jurong secondary's teachers.
One of the instructor(Huanda or Wangda) is very good,
he treat me sweets! Sweets : O
because i complete the Rock-climbing tasks by myself.
Only i got the sweets, Hahaha! Because when i was climbling,
he say if i ring the bell, he will give me sweets!:D
When i ring the bell at the top, all of my classmates were like wow,
i did it by myself .Yes, myself. And you know,
My Physical Education teacher ask me why his lessons,
i don't really like kinda of participate or do well.
i was like Hahaha, i don't knowz.
because,it's damn nice. i'm in love w/ it!
How i wish my Mr.tomato is there, So that he could see me climb
and therefore be proud of me, i want his support. Yes, it's Mr.Tomato!

October 19, 2008

Happy birthday to myself,

Thursday was a early birthday celebration.
Kind of luhz. but there wasn't any birthday cakes,
went back home straight after
school, then bathed and head to jurong point to
meet my shoesshoes, then head to
vivocity. Went to had our lunch + dinner at
Carl's Junior. & the burger is kinda of
super big serving,but mine was smaller then mabel's.
The fries was super nice compare to
Mcdonald's or Kfc's. :D You all shall try,but make sure
you are really hungry,so you can finish all.
went malaysia on friday, and this trip to malaysia was
terrible, i hate it most. It just spoils my
mood, so i don't wish to share here cause it make me so angry.
Thanks those people for wishing me happy birthday!

I could do nothing but cry.
I cried so hard I couldn't breathe.
I felt so utterly helpless at that point of time.

October 11, 2008

Let smile cover everything,

Today is super boring, watched drama w/ mum
today, and the male actor is
damn funny,when he see girlfriend and his child,
he will always smile. Very funny!
Last evening, while chatting w/ that stupid pinky.
he told me about Mr.Tomato things,
I almost just fucking cry out,
but i manage to keep my tears, super pro.
As i told myself to stay real
strong, a strong girl./ I don't wanna tomato
to feel that i'm those girl who are
ain't strong,Yes i will try my best to be a strong girl.
i will also try something new that
i never ever do before,try my best yo! Hahahs! :D

October 9, 2008

It takes time to,

Last paper tomorrow, super nice.
Hope i get good result for my maths paper 2 yeah.
after tmr, i guess i can be free from
books,worksheets and stuffs. Super high ohkay.
Yes,8 days to my 14 birthday.
Super nice please. Mabel, have you did your task?
shoesshoes,you should know what
is your task. & now i am fucking broke luh.
i'm going to save money now./
i'm going to study later, Maths wait for me.
I luv tomato!

October 7, 2008

if i am strong enough,

Maths paper 1! Well, i had got some careless mistake.
Argh, hope my paper2 will be better.
i still have 3 more paper to go.
What is love?do you understand?How much do you understand?
Love is just one of those thing you can't predict.
Love also have different taste, sweet, bitter, sour, spicy.
i'm really troubled about love,
no matter how hard i try, everything seems so helpless./
And yes, i regetted falling in love, because
i never thought it was so difficult and tough,
till now then i realize.I'm suffering like hell now, can anyone help?
You will never want to know the hardships
that I'm going through and the fucked up problems I'm facing.
And it's really annoying.

25september o8,the day i won't forget.
And yes,regret taking advantage of the good things in life.

October 6, 2008

It's so hard,

Do you still remember him?, yes he's my idol.
王子♥! My super handsome idolz! & recently Bangbangtang
has release the 黑糖群俠傳 ost.
Super cool please,the song is super stylo.
And the album have wangzi and xiaoyu solo part :D
But,Wangzi is the best yo!
Had computer test,it was quite okay and it end so early,
will be having maths paper 1 tmr.
Somehow, i scare i will flunk my maths paper 1.
i guess i'm going to study real hard,
and i am going to watch the 舞林大道,on channel u.
8pm yo! The dance moves they dance was superb & nice! :)
i shouldn't let my anything affect my
exams now, after exams i will have a big cry then.
Cheerup, cindy yo!

I'm not strong, it's hard.
Just putting up a strong front doesn't prove anything.

October 3, 2008

Bed of regrets,

Happy 14 birthday, shoesshoes! Loves!
Science and social studies test today, quite easy, i guess?
Yes and finally, My tomato is in school today!
And yes, he has got a new haircut/fringe now, super coolz.
But i prefer his old hairstyle better!
Both of his hairstyle is super cool, nice and styloooz.♥!
14 days to my 14th birthday!
Super looking forward to my birthday,17 october!
Hope there will be surprise for me?
I wonder why am i always so high when i wake up in the
morning for school, maybe because of
Mr.tomato, Every morning assembly i was always looking
at tomato's class. See if he come to
school on that day, it is always so fun to see you :/
Everytime i see you, my heart starts
to pump really fast like those cars in f1 and
also my face starts get red like some monkey butts.
I lie in a bed of regrets,
I didn't know that one little mistake
could come back to haunt me with every breath I take,
25 september o8, i regretted.

October 2, 2008

So random,

Mabel shoesshoes 's Birthday tomorrow!
you gonna get some special from me tmr!
Check it out tmr yeah?
Today sucks, guess what i do today?
Worksheets and wordpuzzles. What the hell, what is wrong
with this world? Doing those
stupid stuffs will make stupid as you can thinkz.
Who the hell create this wordpuzzles & worksheet? Whatever,
i guess he's died, so no point scolding too.
Super not high for today, Because Mr.tomato didn't come!
Sighss. I wanna see him luhz!
Tmr having exams, sicence and social studies! Boring!
Going to go study now, Jiayou for me!