October 3, 2008

Bed of regrets,

Happy 14 birthday, shoesshoes! Loves!
Science and social studies test today, quite easy, i guess?
Yes and finally, My tomato is in school today!
And yes, he has got a new haircut/fringe now, super coolz.
But i prefer his old hairstyle better!
Both of his hairstyle is super cool, nice and styloooz.♥!
14 days to my 14th birthday!
Super looking forward to my birthday,17 october!
Hope there will be surprise for me?
I wonder why am i always so high when i wake up in the
morning for school, maybe because of
Mr.tomato, Every morning assembly i was always looking
at tomato's class. See if he come to
school on that day, it is always so fun to see you :/
Everytime i see you, my heart starts
to pump really fast like those cars in f1 and
also my face starts get red like some monkey butts.
I lie in a bed of regrets,
I didn't know that one little mistake
could come back to haunt me with every breath I take,
25 september o8, i regretted.


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