September 30, 2008

Those sleepless night,

Sighs. Mr.tomato didn't came school today :(
Don't know why he didn't came school today,maybe he's
sick? Hope he is fine yeah?& also hope
he can come school on
thursday? Then i will be super happy & high for the day!
What the hell manz, my wallet sucks now!
Got hole at the wallet there, i wanna get a wallet urgently :D
I guess i am going out with my
mum tomorrow, to get a new wallet because she
promise to buy a wallet for my birthday present ohkay!
Super nice ohkayyy.
Check out my new wallet soonz,hahahz!
Schooling nowadays just sucks so badly, No enjoyments!
Keep doing worksheets & worksheets!
Again and again, was like very boring luhz. Can't they have something new?
I mean new ways of teaching we all. Because worksheets
are just not creative to me. Because the world is doing worksheets!
Teachers, please be creative ohkay :D


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