September 21, 2008

it's killing me inside out,

ohmygawdz,my exams are fucking near.
this friday, my first exam,English paper one and paper two!
Well,exam sucks! i hate it yo!
Seriously, maths is killing me like whatever.
but i gonna study hard for maths! :D
See, how guai is cindy?
Super good girl isn't it? cheers for me yo!
i had finish my homeworks, maths,science,chinese!
All done ohkay! but some
questions never do, because i don't know how to do :X
& My birthday no schooling ohkay!
Because it is 'promotion and retention day'!Nice manz!
And there will be lesser updates as,
i'm busying for end of year examinations!
But,do tag my blog yeah!:D
How long can my smile last?


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