August 30, 2008

Take me away,will you?
Can i be the only girl in your eyes?

Yesterday is happy teacher's day!
Morning went canteen to prepare our booths for teacher,
blow balloons to decorate yeah.
Our class is super united lah,all the guys came help out.
Thanks you,guys.
kinda of bored out there,so went find mabel shoesshoes,
we both keep looking out for Mr,tomato!
& we both thought he didn't came,cause we saw so many
people going away,but we didn't saw him.
after we went to see teacher playing games,i saw him, Mr.tomato!
♥ yeahs! He is super cutez!
after that we went class for celebration!
Miss lappen was bullied by us, poor teacher yeah?
Eat fried rice,the fried rice is credits to Nasir's mum. thanks!
i love it manzxzxz.& thanks Mr.boay for
the songs. The dj for the day yeah? & Bye Bye is super nice song!
when we were going hall for concert,
saw miss lam so chat w/ her for awhile,well i can say that
i miss her lesson very much.
Concert was kind of bored enough,but the groovers
performance was indeed great!
Saw Pigman while running out of school.hahahsz.
went back primary w/ meiqi to
find miss soo & miss zurina,well i miss them.
ofcause not forgetting my bestie,benjamin and likhock korkor.

Friendship is something which connects people
through mutual knowledge, esteem and affection. It revolves around loyalty,
empathy , genuine affection for each other
and the ability to understand others.
Friends don't mean only
being there in one another's good times but also in the bad times
as well. A true friend does
not try to change you according to their
preferences but accepts you as you are. Such friends
hips are precious possessions
and should be valued by those who have it.
I really need to thanks Mabel shoesshoes,
Pigman,Mr.s,shihui crazygirl,shuying sister and many friends.
who were always the ones
who care about me when i'm feel stress or unhappy.
It really heals alots.
Big thanks to you all,w/o you all, i don't know what will happen to me now.

if time could turns back,i will still choose to love you.


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