August 11, 2008


Out of controls,

I'm sozxzsxzsxzsxzxzsx ,running out of energy to think about everthing .
I questioned myself , and answered ,
Should i just give up on you and carry on with life ?
i knew i couldn't, i just can't help but to love you.
I shouldn't fall for you , but in the end , the cupid struck me up.
And i fall into love w/ you unknowningly.
Yet, the fact is that you don't even know or you won't even be bothered about it .
God , make me stronger and stronger each passing day please.
because i still have many days ahead.
i want to be stronger and stronger toward l.o.v.e
how i hope i could never get stress up w/ this things?
i need someone who i can talk to, just appear infront me.
because i really need one.
i know crying isn't an solution,but i just can't help myself and just
burst out in tears. tears coming out from my eyes,rolling down my cheeks
every.single. day, blood coming out from my hands everytime.
verbalize the thoughts which makes me spin & puke.
I'm getting out of mind,totallyzxzx.



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