July 12, 2008

These few days i had been busy
with jurong secondary 45th musicial.
hate it manszxzx!
yesterday is finally the musicial!
i perform 2 times one is for afternoon show
and one is night show.
Night show,we are damn highhhhhhhh!
only high for the ending part:D
when it is eygpt part i was super anxious and
scare i will dance wrong and
my friends and Mr.tomato will laught at me.
i almost burst out my tears manzxzxzxzx!
but i think it is alrights?
thanks my shoesshoes for coming musicial!:D

i hate to see the one i love happy with somebody,but i surely hate it
more to see the one i love unhappy with me.
i'm looking for this bag! it is super nice!


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