June 23, 2008

Bangbangtang!My wangzi! :D

School today totally sucks luh,because
it is way too bored luhs,
change co-form teacher change maths
teacher change science teacher,
i prefer miss lam then the new teacher okay
& also we change timetable.
i wonder if mr.tomato change his timetable.
yesterday just came back from
malaysia,the malaysia trip was greattttt:/
because all my cousins was there,hehehes.
well i can just say that it is enjoyable!
ohya,next time if any of you want to
go malacca you must try satay celup{p.s i don't know if i spell correct mahs}
it is damn delicious okay! you can't find in singapore.
hehehs i shall let picture talk now.
this was taken few days ago.
this was made by me & michelle,my cousin.

xi in chinese,means wedding or what :D
Sausage lips + Pig. Whoos~

stick out tongue :D

Noooooormal :D
Most pictures i ever posted:D
i'm super proud.


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