June 2, 2008

Arghhhhh,i'm super bored now.
i got nothing to do luhxzxz.
ohya,tomorrow actually got go out
w/ the shishi then she can't,
then i think i just stay at home bahs:/
thursday i'm going back malaysia to my
beloved granny houseee!
i miss there cans? like 4-5 months never
go there already,as my dad is
super busy w/ his work lahzxzxzxzxz!
it is actually quite far lahs, malacca there.
i don't know why, i feel like going
there now? I am fuckingzxzxz hyper now!
shall everybody miss me?
i am fuckingzxzxzxz sad now, know why?
i can't apply for the ticket for bangbangtang live at lunar.
as the contest is already close.
wtf, i can't see bangbangtang lols,my wangzi.
if anyone have the tickets can give me if extra?
Mabel shoesshoes jiayou for your match!


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