June 4, 2008

i don't know what is my feeling now,
confusing feelings,things keep flashing through
my mind now,i don't know
either what to do now:/ yesterday after i switch
off my computer i went in my
room,i wrote my diary and while writing
through my tears are rolling over my eyes,
i try to stop my tears from coming
out,after i wrote finish my diary my tears just
burst out like fountain i cry like
1 hours?Morning i wake up and listen songs,
while listening to it,i cry.
because the song is actually saying
what is happening to me.
tomorrow i'm going malaysia,
i am going to miss everybody heree!
opps,trip delayed i will be going malaysia
at friday because one of my brother
don't want go,so delay to friday,whooos! :/
fuck up with my phone,fuckerxzxz!
i sent ...... picture to my phone and i can't
open the file as it was super big lahs,hellxzxzxz!
Mr.Guaikia,sent me the pictures
again when school reopens cans? i want it manzxzxz!
stupid phone,curse youxzxz!

i have no courage for love because
i am scare of rejecting.


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