June 10, 2008

Arghhhhh today went out w/
my shoesshoes
we went many places my {first stop} was Lot 1!
of cause i went Comic connection:/
and i brought posterrrrr!
i brought four of them i find till quite
long cans? mabel pei me
find poster,very good hors? after that
we went walk walk and we go
causeway point {second -stop}
we brought monster! Chocolate monster and
chaoda monster :D it's super
cuteeeee.then shop shop then we went
bugis{third-stop},i brought a shirt and a short and also
a buketbag! Actually i order
from a blogshop then i wait fucking long already
the stock still haven't come.
so i cancel the order,hack care alreadyzxzxz!
then we two went 77 street at bugis
junction,mabel brought her dress or shirt?
after that we train back to
jurong point{last-stop},walk walk then went maconald
eat ice-cream. then mabel pei
me go wait for bus :D thanks mabel shoesshoes!
Today is fucking loves,mabel mabel rockszxzxz!
i today many many!:D
Next outing soon okays okays?:/

Mr.Chocolater monster is as cute as Mr.tomato:D
i love ny
i love NY
this shirt is super cool right? i want buy it.
it is quite specially it is not like the t-shirt one,this is more cool:/
i love it??carnival love
Vintageeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D



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