June 26, 2008

Tag by: shoesshoes!
1. List out the top 5 birthday present that you wish for :

邱勝翊,王子 Pictures or 棒棒堂 things?
Answer the following questions :
1. the person who last tag you is

2. your relationship with him/her is
A funny friend of mine :D

3. your 5 impressions of him/her
Mad,Crazy,like to pull people hair,friendly&Cheerful!

4. the most memorable thing he/she had done for you
Ermmm,hehehs, nothing?

5. the most memorable words he/she had said to you
You are cute, [but then i 'm not]

6. if he/she becomes your lover, you will
No she wouldn't.Because my heart goes to Mr.tomato!

7. if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be
Same class w/ me! xD

8. if he/she becomes your enemy, you will
i will mad at her?

9. if he/she beomes your enemy, the reason will be
i don't know!

10. the most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is
Tag her blog,because i didn't tag her blog for so long?

11. your overall impression of him/her is

12. how you think people around you will feel about you ?
i don't know. Maybe find that i'm useless?

13. the characters you love of yourself are
I hate myself

14. on the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are
I hate myselffffffffff!

15. the most ideal person you want to be is
Mr.tomato! :D

16. for people that care and like you, say something to them
thanks for liking as a friend,but sometimes i feel that i'm useless.

17. pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you (random)

1.Mabelngiang shoesshoes!
2.Yilin sister [i bet she don't have time to do this quiz]
4.Layling buddy/meimei
5.Yiman girlfriends
6.Shuying sister[i bet she had no time to do this]
7.Yeeting slut
8.Alyssa Laoma
9.Leeyee girlfriend
10.Fiona Airen
18. Who is no.6 hav
ing relationship with ?
she is singleee!

19. Is no.9 a male or female ?

20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing ?
No.they are not lesbian!

21. How about no.8 and 5 ?
No.Not lesbian !

22. What is no.2 studying about ?

o levels?
23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3 ?

24. What kind of music band does no.8 like ?

she love
arron from fahrenheit!
25. Does no.1 has any siblings ?
one brother?

26. Will you woo no.3 ?
No. My heart goes to Mr.tomato!

27. How about no.7 ?
she have stead already.& i am not interested in her
because i am not lesbian!

28. Is no.4 single ?

9. What's the surname of no.5 ?

30. What's the hobby of no.4 ?
don't know.

31. Do no.5 and 9 get along well ?
i think so?

32. Where is no.2 studying at ?
Jurong secondary.

33. Talk something casually about no.1 .
she wrote letters to me?

34. Have you try developing feelings for no.8 ?
ya,but only those friends feeling?

35. Where does no.9 live at ?
Near the school?

36. What color does no.4 like ?

37. Are no.5 and 1 best friends ?
Nope.they also don't know each other?

38. Does no.7 likes no.2 ?
No way!

39. How do you get to know no.2 ?
short-term memory. forgotten already

40. Does no.1 have any pets ?
Nope? does Mr.Chaoda monster counts?

41. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world ?
she is quite sexyyyyyy:X


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