August 15, 2008

You are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place,

Agrhhh, it is super pain to post w/ my right hand,but i still manage to post yeah./
cheers for me isn't it? happyzxzx.
stupidszxzx. what happen to hand? blame kimteck then.
Luckily my hand injure during pe time
but not test time luckily test was before it so i guess it didn't affect my
test isn't it? fuckzxz, i flunk up my d&t test.
know why? because my brain just can't absord those d&t stuffs in.
when i saw my d&t paper, i went totally shock
And my mind goes blankzxzx.
because all the question seems so weird.
Kinda of i didn't even learn before?Guess what? i gotta fail it:(
Well,i ask you people,do you ever been in love before?
Alrights well,if you ain't in love then
good for you. Just a kindly reminder :' don't fall in love,if you are not in love now.'
Know why? Because you will get very stress up with those stuffzxzx.
& will really make you unhappy and cry.
because those things happens to me everytime when i miss himzxzx.
That feeling isn't good at all.
Everyone fell for it , including me .
Just a whisper of love , sends the woman craving for more.
So i was stuck up by the stupid cupidzxzx.
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel
whenever you ain't there.



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