September 29, 2008

Times pass and goes very fast,

Happy times pass very quick and fast,
i miss 25 september, very much ohkay! & also playing
basketball w/ my bestie and kor.
There will be no exams for tmr, super cool lahz.
How i wish that there will be no exams for my entire life.
well,i guess it's fat hopes rightz?
Today, mother tongue paper 2 & 3! i should say it
is quite ohkay, not very difficult,not very easy,perhaps? I think so.
Haven't complete my fourth piece of paper,Mr.tomato!
Hahahs,complete it soon ohkay!:D
Ohya,my shoesshoes birthday is coming soon! 3rd october!
i wonder what i should give her, i wanna give her
some special done by me, which she can't find it in this world!
Mabel,you should be super happy right?


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