October 25, 2008

You're my everything that I could ever dream of.

Everything didn't turn out what i expected it to be.Do you know how it feels when
i am in dark? Do you know how many
sleepless night i had gone through?Today,I wanted to see you so much,
I held on so tight to your picture with my two hands,
And i stood outside to cry,[/]

Anyway the "stay-home-sickness" have been getting into me too much lately.
I don't know why either. Perhaps my friends were too busy with
their stuffs nowadays. And also, i am having my dance training every week.
so meetup will be lesser, i think. Do you know why are there
so many training this holidays? Because of next year syf,so we gonna mug
hard for a gold for syf next year! :D Do you remember
what i say in last post? I wanna buy a new bag,but somehow i haven't
decide if i am going to but that buy,so i will go around mall.
to check out bags! I'm waiting for O'levels to finish,Because Pinky promise
that he will help me after his O'levels. Help me with some relationships
stuffsz! So, O'levels faster end! I want buy many thing and many stuffsz!
But i am broke now. So i'm going to save money! $!
Sigh, so many things have been going on my mind.

sometimes I really wish I would stop,
though it feels like death everyday. My heart does not rest for one day,
and I've never stopped regretting even for one time.
Can you see my tears? Can you hear my sighs? Though I swallow again
and again, it overflows.


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