June 30, 2008

Roarssss,today lesson is
super duper bored, especially
during science lesson i almost fall asleep
okzxzxz! it sucks!
Maths lesson was okayzxzx!
well we change timetable again,
now only wednesday, thursday & friday we had p.e
p.e rockssssszxzx!
okays,i need to thanks Mabel shoesshoes &
my other fellow friends
for being with me when i feel sad
or feeling damn low, thanks alrights?
i feel so proud to have you all as my friend:D

Th sight of you makes me feel lyk i'm floating.
Th sight of you makes my heart skip a beat.
You're pleasant in my eyes (:

I'm obsessed with you! I can't get you off my mind,
you're th one, yes you .

June 28, 2008

This is a post which tells my feeling now.
you can ignore this post if you want,because i
am just posting what i feel now:/
i feel totally lost with everything going on,
Am i thinking too much?
Or it is true?
i really don't know. It is easy to
fall in love with someone yet difficult to give up.
but i won't give up,i will try.
I don't want to face my problems because
they're nightmares to me.
And whenever I think of them,
I feel like breaking down into tiny pieces.
Can you tell me what i am think was as illusion?
Was i thinking too much or it is true?
it really sucks alot;(
i really thanks Mabel shoesshoes,Mr. so call 'guaikia'.
And maybe shihui?
Mr.tomato,maybe you don't know me,
but all i can tell you was i really like you :D


June 26, 2008

Tag by: shoesshoes!
1. List out the top 5 birthday present that you wish for :

邱勝翊,王子 Pictures or 棒棒堂 things?
Answer the following questions :
1. the person who last tag you is

2. your relationship with him/her is
A funny friend of mine :D

3. your 5 impressions of him/her
Mad,Crazy,like to pull people hair,friendly&Cheerful!

4. the most memorable thing he/she had done for you
Ermmm,hehehs, nothing?

5. the most memorable words he/she had said to you
You are cute, [but then i 'm not]

6. if he/she becomes your lover, you will
No she wouldn't.Because my heart goes to Mr.tomato!

7. if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be
Same class w/ me! xD

8. if he/she becomes your enemy, you will
i will mad at her?

9. if he/she beomes your enemy, the reason will be
i don't know!

10. the most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is
Tag her blog,because i didn't tag her blog for so long?

11. your overall impression of him/her is

12. how you think people around you will feel about you ?
i don't know. Maybe find that i'm useless?

13. the characters you love of yourself are
I hate myself

14. on the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are
I hate myselffffffffff!

15. the most ideal person you want to be is
Mr.tomato! :D

16. for people that care and like you, say something to them
thanks for liking as a friend,but sometimes i feel that i'm useless.

17. pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you (random)

1.Mabelngiang shoesshoes!
2.Yilin sister [i bet she don't have time to do this quiz]
4.Layling buddy/meimei
5.Yiman girlfriends
6.Shuying sister[i bet she had no time to do this]
7.Yeeting slut
8.Alyssa Laoma
9.Leeyee girlfriend
10.Fiona Airen
18. Who is no.6 hav
ing relationship with ?
she is singleee!

19. Is no.9 a male or female ?

20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing ?
No.they are not lesbian!

21. How about no.8 and 5 ?
No.Not lesbian !

22. What is no.2 studying about ?

o levels?
23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3 ?

24. What kind of music band does no.8 like ?

she love
arron from fahrenheit!
25. Does no.1 has any siblings ?
one brother?

26. Will you woo no.3 ?
No. My heart goes to Mr.tomato!

27. How about no.7 ?
she have stead already.& i am not interested in her
because i am not lesbian!

28. Is no.4 single ?

9. What's the surname of no.5 ?

30. What's the hobby of no.4 ?
don't know.

31. Do no.5 and 9 get along well ?
i think so?

32. Where is no.2 studying at ?
Jurong secondary.

33. Talk something casually about no.1 .
she wrote letters to me?

34. Have you try developing feelings for no.8 ?
ya,but only those friends feeling?

35. Where does no.9 live at ?
Near the school?

36. What color does no.4 like ?

37. Are no.5 and 1 best friends ?
Nope.they also don't know each other?

38. Does no.7 likes no.2 ?
No way!

39. How do you get to know no.2 ?
short-term memory. forgotten already

40. Does no.1 have any pets ?
Nope? does Mr.Chaoda monster counts?

41. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world ?
she is quite sexyyyyyy:X

June 24, 2008

Tears rolling down my cheeks, every. single. day...
I hating myself more and more.

Today is such random.
Maths was totally funny!
jokes was funny and
whole class laugh alot,
today maths lesson,
mr.nur didn't teach us anything but
then tmr lessons will resume,
Arghh,i totally hate that? today had
training and it is okays luh :D hehehs.
before that was photoshoot{cca}
i was standing at the chair and the chair
was damn shaking because of
VALESKA CHNG! She keep shaking and i almost fall:(
Mabel shoesshoes are you
going to the musicial? Omg~
My shoesshoes going to see my retarded face,omgzxzxzx.
i look retarded dancing the dance Manszxzxzx!
Shoesshoes, why never go take
the things from me. it is a surprise ok!
Only for you manszxzx!
this holidays eventaully sucks.Because
most of my days are taken by
the 45th musicial thingy,arghhhhhhh.
Jasmine,you are damn funny at dance today,hehehs!

Here is an advertistment of an blogshop :D
i don't know the owner
in this blogshop but
then a friend of mine ask me to spread
to those who love blog-shopping :D
this blogshop sell men & girl stuff like
Couple shirts,contact lens,dress& also hunk clothing.
so if you are free feel free to go to the
shop and see if you need anything and just purchase from there.

Wangzi is damn cuteeeeee:D


June 23, 2008

Bangbangtang!My wangzi! :D

School today totally sucks luh,because
it is way too bored luhs,
change co-form teacher change maths
teacher change science teacher,
i prefer miss lam then the new teacher okay
& also we change timetable.
i wonder if mr.tomato change his timetable.
yesterday just came back from
malaysia,the malaysia trip was greattttt:/
because all my cousins was there,hehehes.
well i can just say that it is enjoyable!
ohya,next time if any of you want to
go malacca you must try satay celup{p.s i don't know if i spell correct mahs}
it is damn delicious okay! you can't find in singapore.
hehehs i shall let picture talk now.
this was taken few days ago.
this was made by me & michelle,my cousin.

xi in chinese,means wedding or what :D
Sausage lips + Pig. Whoos~

stick out tongue :D

Noooooormal :D
Most pictures i ever posted:D
i'm super proud.

June 20, 2008

Today is Damn fun,ofcause
credits to Agnes tan Peiqi :D
yesterday went jurong point w/ mummy
because alyssa last minute cancel.
first we went to find 棒棒堂小巨蛋DVD,
the shop say sell finish le .
today then got new stocks.
then i went popular they also say sell finish
say monday then got new stocks.
i almost want to cry
out manszxzx!today after dance i take
154 w/ Agnes.t she
accompany me go find my
棒棒堂小巨蛋DVD, we went to the shop .
the cashier person say the dvd is last one then i
was so happy i got the last one manszxzx!
I told agnes luckily we came in time if not then
we cannot buy the dvd le.
after that we went walk walk and we
went in a toys shop & i and agnes went high!
we damn crazy with those toys!
those toys are very cute and funnnnn:D
Yesterday i brought a shirt and a bag damn cool!
ofcause is my mum paid deh lahszxzx!
i'm now brokeeeeee!
And now,i am missing Mr.tomato &Mabel shoesshoes!
& tmr i am going malaysia at night:D


June 18, 2008

This few days , had been really tired.
busying w/ the musicial things.
tmr will be a big holiday for me,tmr i am
going out with my mum to find my
棒棒堂小巨蛋DVD. rocks like hell manzxzx!
i Miss Mabel shoesshoes!
i can see her when school reopens,
yay-ness! i think i am going to give mabel a surprise?
i am damn good okayszxzxzx!
today i feel that i am damn brave to walk in
the rain without umbrella, i'm a brave girl okayszxzx!
it is long time since i reply tags! hahahszxzx!
friday having training again,maybe friday night
or saturday night going back malaysia :D
Tags replied:D

&.JASLYN(: thanks for tagging!
mabelngiangggg: SHOESSHOES, i miss you :D
`JASMINE(: i will reply you when i am free alrights?
lay ling: happy father's day,buddy!
mabelngiangggg: must everyday also tag mahs :X
shihui: Hello shishi,thanks for your short tag!
ginnie!: thanks for your tag!
lay ling:hello buddy,i miss you!
shihui: Hello shishi
mabelngiangggg: of cause fun luh,you go out with
who? Cindy Low Zywei leh. of cause fun luhs. i love shoesshoes!
xp: Hahahahs thanks Xinpei.
shihui:Got lah got lahs!
shihui: yeahs bahs? it is quite enjoying luhs!
lay ling:BUDDY! Lovesss! :D

June 15, 2008

yesterday night, went out w/my
dad, mum,my two bros and i
to orchard there.Because
there was the Great singapore sales :/
went to burberry to walk walk & i can
tell you the things there is
super expensive mansxzxzx! i saw
a wallet and thought i would be so coolzxzx
then i flip the wallet to see the
price and it $1800 sometimes,fucking expensive.
after that we went to gucci,
even expensive i can tell you, then went
topshop & quite alot of places.
10 something we went of for dinner-ing
at geylang after we go back i
saw many chickens there it is like some
fashion show like that,the chicken are like standing
there, got one of the chicken pull
the uncle say ' you want me anot?' i think is
like that because i was in the car.
later going out w/ my dad,mum and one of my bro!
:D it simply just rockxzxzxzx!

And the first thing I hate the most that you do.
You make me love you .
And the first thing I like the most that you do.
You make me love you.

June 14, 2008

i'm super bored luhs,got nothing to do.
actually got things to do
but then it is homework, i don't know
which teacher give us homework and it is 40 or
50 page? i don't think i am going to
do it? Because it is super bored to see those
english wordszxzxzxz, it just sucks like hell manxzxzx!
i feel like organizing a chalet or bbq?
My Chye foody is super supportive, he ask me to
go organize and he will go?
i feel like organizing it at my birthday,
but then i and mabel shoesshoes promise
to celebrate our birthday together hahahahzxzxzx!
i still don't know luhs :/

i got nothing to do ,so i decide to do this survey luhs!
Most people can't live without their
cell phone.
so, here's a survey about it.

1.What color is your phone?
2.Who 's the first person who comes
up under the letter M?
Mabel shoesshoes.
3.Who's the last person you called?
Shuying sister.
4.Who was your last missed call from?
don't know cause the person call wrong number?
5.Who's the 2nd person who miss
6.Who's speed dial 2?
Didn't assign speed dial.
7.Who's the 3rd person who comes up
under J?
8.Who was your last received call?
forgot already -.-
9.Who's speed dial number 4?
Didn't assign speed dial.
10.What is your wallpaper?
My idol, 邱勝翊,王子.
11.How many text messages do you recieve?
forgot already, i don't count them.
12.Who's speed dial number 8?
Didn't assign speed dial.
13.What's the 5th message say in
your inbox? And from whom?
Mr. so-call guaikia.he say 'aya,you dunno de'.
14.Who's the 1st person who comes up
under B?
babysweetie. which is joanna.
15.Who was your last text message
the blogshop seller.
16.Name every person you have text
messages from:
there is so many?
17.Have you seen the 101 Chuck Norris
18.Who's the 3rd person on your U?
19.What does the 3rd message in your
outbox say?
- erm don't need, i told you already what~
20.Who is the first name in your
Agnes tan
21.Who is the last name in your


June 13, 2008

Arghhh, i miss my penknife alot.
because it is only thing which can let me stress
out everything. but then now?
My previous penknife is spoil and i am buying new one.
finding a new penknife now.
fuck upxzxzxz, i don't know why i am
feeling so stress up and losing confidence?
it just sucks so much, i hate it.
yesterday i can't go and see my wangzi,
because i don't have the ticket.
My friends all told me that wangzi is super handsome
arghh, next time they come singapore
i must go see them,i promise i will.
& next week i am going to buy 棒棒堂小巨蛋DVD!
Got my wangzi perform lehsxzxzxz!
Must buy, must buy!
I miss Mr.tomato alot,because everytime i see
Mr. Chocolate monster i will think of him at that moment.
i'm going to just throw my unhappiness
to my hand, once i brought my penknife,i swear.

gui wangPhotobucket
cute princePhotobucket

Wangzi is super cute!


June 10, 2008

Arghhhhh today went out w/
my shoesshoes
we went many places my {first stop} was Lot 1!
of cause i went Comic connection:/
and i brought posterrrrr!
i brought four of them i find till quite
long cans? mabel pei me
find poster,very good hors? after that
we went walk walk and we go
causeway point {second -stop}
we brought monster! Chocolate monster and
chaoda monster :D it's super
cuteeeee.then shop shop then we went
bugis{third-stop},i brought a shirt and a short and also
a buketbag! Actually i order
from a blogshop then i wait fucking long already
the stock still haven't come.
so i cancel the order,hack care alreadyzxzxz!
then we two went 77 street at bugis
junction,mabel brought her dress or shirt?
after that we train back to
jurong point{last-stop},walk walk then went maconald
eat ice-cream. then mabel pei
me go wait for bus :D thanks mabel shoesshoes!
Today is fucking loves,mabel mabel rockszxzxz!
i today many many!:D
Next outing soon okays okays?:/

Mr.Chocolater monster is as cute as Mr.tomato:D
i love ny
i love NY
this shirt is super cool right? i want buy it.
it is quite specially it is not like the t-shirt one,this is more cool:/
i love it??carnival love
Vintageeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D


June 4, 2008

i don't know what is my feeling now,
confusing feelings,things keep flashing through
my mind now,i don't know
either what to do now:/ yesterday after i switch
off my computer i went in my
room,i wrote my diary and while writing
through my tears are rolling over my eyes,
i try to stop my tears from coming
out,after i wrote finish my diary my tears just
burst out like fountain i cry like
1 hours?Morning i wake up and listen songs,
while listening to it,i cry.
because the song is actually saying
what is happening to me.
tomorrow i'm going malaysia,
i am going to miss everybody heree!
opps,trip delayed i will be going malaysia
at friday because one of my brother
don't want go,so delay to friday,whooos! :/
fuck up with my phone,fuckerxzxz!
i sent ...... picture to my phone and i can't
open the file as it was super big lahs,hellxzxzxz!
Mr.Guaikia,sent me the pictures
again when school reopens cans? i want it manzxzxz!
stupid phone,curse youxzxz!

i have no courage for love because
i am scare of rejecting.

June 2, 2008

Arghhhhh,i'm super bored now.
i got nothing to do luhxzxz.
ohya,tomorrow actually got go out
w/ the shishi then she can't,
then i think i just stay at home bahs:/
thursday i'm going back malaysia to my
beloved granny houseee!
i miss there cans? like 4-5 months never
go there already,as my dad is
super busy w/ his work lahzxzxzxzxz!
it is actually quite far lahs, malacca there.
i don't know why, i feel like going
there now? I am fuckingzxzxz hyper now!
shall everybody miss me?
i am fuckingzxzxzxz sad now, know why?
i can't apply for the ticket for bangbangtang live at lunar.
as the contest is already close.
wtf, i can't see bangbangtang lols,my wangzi.
if anyone have the tickets can give me if extra?
Mabel shoesshoes jiayou for your match!