March 31, 2008

Today lesson suckssss like hell?
Science & Maths was super boredddddd
did manage to suvive with by
sms-ing my frienddd!
Mr.sam keep teaching things, i didn't
even listen to it i guess? damn good rightssssssss!
English , miss lappen talk untill
i want to doze off to sleeep already:x
i damn dunlan miss lappen ok, she ask me to move back to
my seat but i didn't change at alll.
cb,is the mrs gan what!
you think i want change meh? not like you
so freeeeeeeeeee arh?
after school went canteen to drink water &
pei yiman & layling then take bus to my
home:D they come my house
later we went jurong point, yiman say she
want go home, so go home lol.
i and layling went comics connection
to buy bangbangtang picturessssssssssssss:D
i collected many pictures le.
so happyyyyyyy!

take pictures with layling buddy+meimei[:

My creative drawing for my

shoes! Mabel! shoesshoes leh!

March 28, 2008

Heyyy peeps see Cindy
very good come blog blog blog.
Clap for cindyyy!
I was happy for my maths results because
at least i got pass my testtt!
26/40 greats! because i didn't
really study lol. Thanks godd! :x
& i feel that Mr.sam is very stingy lol.
i got 26 and i only got one same chocolates&
those 30 marks and above can get a big big chocolates.
only 4 marks only lol. idiotssss!
Hack care le.
I hope my test all pass!
& Miss.lam say i just pass my
science exam. good goood!
Tags repliedd:D
Kahying: hello candyfloss!
Jasmine(::tagg you le.
Felicia.t:hi, i will link you up soon!
mabel: shoesshoes! rawrrs i <3>
Valeska:hello friend :D
Alyssa: Lao Ma, i dun like him okayy!
shihui: yoo chiobu still dare say not chio!

March 22, 2008

Yesterday,went out
with mummy,aunt,a baby &
cousin and her boyfrienddd.
we went shopping spree.
but it is only furnitures,hahahaha
went ikea having lots lots fun
playing the toys
there as i am just an three-years old
kids which come out of zoo?
Playing like mad people which came
out of the woodbridge hospital.
which is for
those real mad womans/mens.
& also went try out
the food there etc.
Chicken wings,Meat balls,Cheese cake
and Chocolate musse :D

full picture of foods!


Chocolate musse:D

Chicken wingss! :x
& exams are like countdown to
2 or three days yeah?
freaking scary this time hope
A1 for every
subjects? but i know it could not be lahs?
Mummy is going overseas this
tuesday morninggg,arh do take cares bahs.
& my lovely cheer for Sister [:
to cheer her up from kind of unhappy.
To yilin: but this cheer is not
really that nice quite old cheering bahs,
i guess so? but hope you like it!
Cheer for sister
Peel banana ,
peel peel banana,
Squeeze banana,
squeeze squeeze banana,
Shake banana,
shake shake banana,
Banana world united!
:x Cheer up sisterr! & loves!
i really hopes that sister could be
back to the old times
when you are really happy but
nevermind if you were not with me.
so cheer up sister, there are many happy
things in the world not only unhappiness
But it is happiness with friends!
Best sister, hope after you had seen this
post you will cheer upp!

March 17, 2008

today lessons totally sucksss!
i am totally not
in mood can? Science lessons i didn't
even listen to teacher & like
kind of sickk those kind, sleeping there
Soo ass lahs can?
but at least i got do the
worksheet by miss lam, she is a good teacher
actually:D Maths was ok but same
it is so boring la.Physical class
was fun actually, did running which okok.
& english do some acticles and
writing thing thing. & went for a movie
at library,it is those kind of cartoon
it lookvery ke ai :x
& somethings make us laugh
was the word 'pigeon'. all our classmate
laugh, shall not say who or what does it means
if not later he angryy or dulan!
After School
went to canteen to buy food
for taking picturesss!
i find it quite lame when taking pictures lol.
food also need take? want take go take
neoprint la. & need go find people to
take pictures of the fried food.
Lamee .__.
On the way to bus-stop,
chat with Yi man ,Huishi & layling
Take bussss!
& homed after that:D

March 15, 2008

Today totally sucks.
nothing to blog actually .
today it is just a rotting day for
me,idiots.Why do
holidays end so fast & not
school time end faster?
Godddd,make school days shorter
& not public holidays/holidays
Today i watch this dramaa
'Corner*With Love 轉角*遇到愛'
the ahma is totally funny & cute
& Luo zhi xiang & Da S.
totally make me laugh till stomach
pain but some peeps
say that the show is already outdated.
But i am so in love with it.
Especially the ah ma of luo zhi xiang
in this drama ,cuteeeeee!
Assss, holidays is going to be over.
Hate it mannnnn!


March 14, 2008

Raining days, i am so
in love with it can i say?
because it is just colddd.
Butttt some reason i
dun like
raining days too,
because it's spoil my mood
when i want to go out & it is
raining heavy.
kinda of angry with the
rain.& raining
days make me sick
like what? & today just stay
at home to rottt.
& i had notice that
this guy name'
kenichi Matsuyama'
is like very famous now?
& every peeps are like crazy over
him nowadays? actually i find him cuteee with
the picture. But i love Wangzi more!
Wangzi is better & i love wangzi till the maxxxs:x!


March 13, 2008 - Intelligence Tests
found at shihui blog there so i try
it outtt. the question are terrible hard?
& if you all are free please
try it outtttttttttttttttttttt!
Back from campp yesterday,
didn't post because i
was recharging my sleep from
the camp. because i sleep
at around 1 or 2am.
& wake up at 6 something or what?
forgot le, hahahaha
yesterday went back from camp & pack my
stuff & went sleep at 3 pm like that
after that 6 something
i wake up & because there was nothing
much to do & i went back to sleep
and i didn't wake up till morning
9am like that then
i wake up from bed.
I didn't had
my dinner yesterdayyy :x
i think camp was okok i think better
then last years ones.
i did enjoys the camppp
& i did reporting was quite poorr.
because there was item,
'this is a plain piece of paper,within it is my
passion for dance, i love you dance,macks
by ma'am jessica,ma'am see mun,
ma'am meiqi & sir gary'.
i was like blurr, because i am a blurrqueen.
Hope no more this kind of item during reporting.

March 10, 2008

40% of girls in the world
usually don't know who they are.
The judgements made by their friends are
not that accurate
This can help you, make the correct judgement
There must strictly be NO cheating
or the results won't be accurate
And if you're a guy, SHOO. You don't want to
be a girl, do you?

1) What is your favourite colour?
a) Red(i chooses)
b) Pink
c) Yellow
d) Light blue

2) What is your favourite hang-out place with your friends?
a) Home
b) Shopping mall (i chooses)
c) Dinner at restaurant

3) What is your usual dress code?
a) Pants and shirt (i chooses)
b) Long flowy dress
c) Pajamas?
d) Cap, mini running shorts and singlet

4) If you had free time, what would you do?
a) Have a picnic with family and relatives
b) Throw a party with friends(i chooses)
c) Read a book
d) Play with your dolls

5) Name one of your hobbies
a) Photography
b) Studying
c) Dancing(i chooses)

6) What is your favourite genre of music?
a)Pop (i chooses)
b) Rock
c) Classical

7) In your opinion, who is the most important person/people/thing in your life?
a) *Him
b) Bank account
c) Family (i chooses)
8) If your mother gives $50, you would...
a) Donate it to charity
b) Demand more, because it's not enough to get you the stuff you want(i chooses)
c) Give it to the bully because he/she says so

9) If the guy of your dreams asks you out the day before the exams, you...
a) Tell him to study for the exams first.(i chooses)
b) Just go out with him
c) Run away quickly

10) What is your favourite time of the day?
a) Afternoon
b) Morning
c) Night(i chooses)


Now for the FUN part...

1) What is your favourite colour?
-Red (brave)(i chooses)
-Pink (sweet)
-Yellow (fun)
-Light blue (carefree)

2) What is your favourite hang-out place with your friends?
-Home (simple)
-Shopping mall (crazy, fun) (i chooses)
-Dinner at restaurant (serious)

3) What is your usual dress code?
-Pants and shirt (simple) (i chooses)
-Long flowy dress (graceful, elegant)
-Pajamas? (sloppy)
-Cap, mini running shorts and singlet (atheletic)

4) If you had free time, what would you do?
-Have a picnic with family and relatives (cares, loves family)
-Throw a party with friends (wacky) (i chooses)
-Read a book (shy, hardworking)
-Play with your dolls (childish)

5) Name one of your hobbies
-Photography (creative)
-Studying (clever, mature)
-Dancing (graceful) (i chooses)

6) What is your favourite genre of music?
-Pop (fun)(i chooses)
-Rock (loud, crazy)
-Classical (relaxed, carefree)

7) In your opinion, who is the most important person/people/thing in your life?
-*Him (lovesick)
-Bank account (moneyminded)
-Family (lovable, sweet)(i chooses)

8) If your mother gives you $50, you would...
-Donate it to charity (helpful)
-Demand more, because it's not enough to get you the stuff you want (greedy)(i chooses)
-Give it to the bully because he/she says so (soft)

9) If the guy of your dreams asks you out the day before the exams, you...
-Tell him to study for the exams first. (mature)(i chooses)
-Just go out with him (naughty)
-Run away quickly (shy)

10) What is your favourite time of the day?
-Afternoon (cheerful)
-Morning (healthy)
-Night (dark, emotional) (i chooses)

Now you understand What Kind of Girl You Are?
isn't this survey nice?

tomorrow is campppp!
idiots,i dun feel like going because i will miss
my fellow friends &
beloved &Mostly important,
,Babysweetie & Partner.
those thing to bring for the camp
was really many for tomorrow camppp, will
like bring like a bags full of
clothes and things.crapping
again. today we do our name tags &
reporting and reporting
i think i will dieeee. because my
voice is terrible, kahying say my
voice not very loud.shitt lol, i try to shout
loud that they can hear, hopeeee it happens.
& camp name tags was nice.My group name
adidas nice lol the design :-x
i damn like itt & Puma is nice also.
hahaha,camppppp! damn freaking scary lol,
hope no scoldings
from senior/instructorsss.
really no please, i pray god
it will not happen to me.
I love & miss Sister, Shoesshoes,
Babysweetie & Partnerrr Many many!
i feel like cutting my hand with some kind of penknife
now. what's wrong with Cindy? i am
like kind of crazyyy nowwwwwwwww! i need my
bestfriend,penknife alot. which i use to
make me feel better from any bad things happening around me?
it make me crazyyyy, i am not really feeling well
now? what should i do? use penknife to solve problemss?

March 8, 2008

Yesterday bbq was greats,
i am so lovin't it.
yesterday was 1a'07 outing plus 2a'08.
when we go lakeside mrt station and it was early.
& wait for them to come and go together, we go take
mrt.the mrt was full of peeps like what. we didn't even sit down
till bedok mrt station, idiotss! & most unlucky was
we went to the bus there and want to take buss and the bus service
for 401 is only for saturday and sunday
, shit asss! then we take taxi to east coast there.
& went there it was funn, i kana bully
and pull down to the water and i got myself wettt like hell.
siaooo lol, after that i feel so wet and go had
a bath the bathroom was like kinda of scary that kind.
asss, after theat went help outtt & eat, walk walk
play gamesss :D
12 something then i went home,
it was quite lateee, but nevermind laaa.
& greats i didn't went malaysia because it was late
my father & mother 9 something jiu went
to malaysia le, so i dun need to go there as it is only
one day or two days, clapppps!

this fried rice was damn nice,
made by nasir'mother.

Mashmallows, i am so addicted
to it :-x

Bbq preparations :D

Snap shot yong liang

Bbq time :D
i draw that on the sand
which is my name!
My name!

this thingy made by
kim teck & sam. 2a'08!

March 7, 2008

Heyyyyyyyyyyy peeps!
today lesson are quite interesting but
only social studies & chinese
it is totally bored like what lol,
can die there already lols.
for chinese lesson we watch a movie
it is kinda of children movie
that kinddd, i find it okays la.
oh ya , yesterday watch finish the freedom
writers. the ending part were
quite okays, i love that movie man damn nice!
& today science lessons ,
i am totally shock when i saw my
science class test paper+ marks.
i didn't even touch the science books & i got 20/25. Class
highest marksss :-x. Nadiah had the same
marks as meeee, she dun believe
that i got the highest as i always fail my science
for no reasons? she damn action lol,
same marks with me
action what? wtffff, other subject i higher
then you lol. shit you ,
slap your faces & kick your butts!
& seriously those who saw my blog should be
shocked about me posting because
i dun really post so muchhh:-x
because i am going malaysia after 2a class outinggg.
so i shall post todayyyy, hahahaha!
i dun really feel like going malaysia anyway, idiotss!
later 3.30pm going off to class outing! :D
-Clapsss, clapsss!

March 6, 2008

today food&nutrition lesson i
make chicken curryyyy,the taste was just alrights!
& recess i had a stomachaches again.
wtfffffff? i didn't go recess and i stay in class (x
feeling better now but still very pain.
& i am so looking forward to tomorrow outingggg
with my fellow 2A classmates,wooooo.
later going to prepare what to do or wear those
kind of stufffff for that bbq:D Miss lappen &
Mr ser will be going also but other
teacher i dun knowwwww,hope they can join us too.
& Dance campppppppp is coming soon,
not too long in like one weeks time or when, i dun know.
& i got my report book,kinda of surprise of my result.
My results :D
Computer applications:56.0
Home economics/food & nutrient:74.0
I Class outing & 2A 08!
Just now went to jurong east there to make my ez-link card.
it is freaking fasttttttt like 5 minutes?
after that went to ayies to buy some clipsss and my comb.
freaking funnn with my mother laaaa :-x
& my mum say a topic which make laughss :D
she ask me what is the differenence between the bus 98a
and 98m. i say dun know.she say
98a : that a= auto
98m : that m=manual
i laughs alot, kinda of lameeeee. on the way back,
on the busss i felt so sleepyyy, idiots !
the driving is slowww,freaking slowwwww.
@$#$%!i hate that because it make me kind of faints & headaches.
if i really faint, i shall go complain that sbs bussss manager
or what. - kick that driver buttsss to the walls& bash his head!
Tags replied
ZT: what a 'long' tags you gave huh?
shihui:what chiobu? shihui is more chio :-x
x-Jasmine-x:i am not chiooo, jasmine are the pretty one.
棋: Meiqi mama, forgotten. short-term memory:D
Joanna: Babysweetie got la, i also love you la!
yilin: of cause i am so in love with it okays!& it is precious to me laa.
& i am find sutitable name for the baby pooh:D


March 5, 2008


Today sort of lame day today.
i am freaking no mooooood and i am just so
angry because of yesterday.
what a terrible day man! the studium are damn freaking
what? i go there i lost my things and my skirt
got some kind dirt there and i had to wash it
okays this nevermind and worst still i lost my wallet.
Shit asss!
i damn feeling kinda of stupid of me to lose things.
today had my character development
lesson which make me kinda of creative in my talking:D
The teacher are damn funny & i joke with him.
hohohos,he agree with me that i am smart & celver(x
but actually i find him weird?
he say next lesson do sandwich,then i was thinking
this is Food&Nutrition lesson mehh?
& next week is holidays,who want to come?
Kinda of bluffing us? whatever as long as we need not
do worksheets & and those kind of lame things
that will be great for us ,as i say i am lazy:-x
stupid asshole,i lose my bangbangtang pictures,
which i had brought at comice connection
there because i put it at my wallet & now
my wallet is lost,i damn freaking miss it man!

i 王子!


March 3, 2008

My stomach is not feeling well today.
so wtf? actually morning didn't have stomachaches
just until like want have our pe
then i stomach pain dao cannot tahan.
& i am sick like what? so fed up with it laaas.
And now and still having stomachaches & abit fever.
Many people saw me and ask me what happen?
Just that pain dao the face can become
To my stomach: STOMACH, dun sick!
if not i sure die of the pain ,better dun!
& sciences are getting harder as compared last time,
shit this time report book if take back
sure get scolding had my stupid class test
which makes me faint and headaches laa.
& which i dun even remember i have test today.
& just at the assembly i realise today had science test.
Actually i dun even care nowadays,you know why?
Because i dun feel like studying anymore?
but only if every subject teacher makes their
lesson fun,i think i won't have this un positive thinking
nowwwwww, please stuff with
some jokes, it really cures nowadays:D
i guess tomorrow will be going to watch freedom writers
gossss i damn want to watch it & it is damn nice.
like never watch will die like that & TOMORROW!
hope that really happen :D it is raining now,
if you people wants to go out,
you are reminded to bring an umbrella (x
Stomach pain,still so high? Funnny laaass.
Hope my stomach pain
will be gone & no more homeworks!

Pictures with winnie the pooh Yilin sister
gave me for Chirstmas Present:D
