August 30, 2008

Take me away,will you?
Can i be the only girl in your eyes?

Yesterday is happy teacher's day!
Morning went canteen to prepare our booths for teacher,
blow balloons to decorate yeah.
Our class is super united lah,all the guys came help out.
Thanks you,guys.
kinda of bored out there,so went find mabel shoesshoes,
we both keep looking out for Mr,tomato!
& we both thought he didn't came,cause we saw so many
people going away,but we didn't saw him.
after we went to see teacher playing games,i saw him, Mr.tomato!
♥ yeahs! He is super cutez!
after that we went class for celebration!
Miss lappen was bullied by us, poor teacher yeah?
Eat fried rice,the fried rice is credits to Nasir's mum. thanks!
i love it manzxzxz.& thanks Mr.boay for
the songs. The dj for the day yeah? & Bye Bye is super nice song!
when we were going hall for concert,
saw miss lam so chat w/ her for awhile,well i can say that
i miss her lesson very much.
Concert was kind of bored enough,but the groovers
performance was indeed great!
Saw Pigman while running out of school.hahahsz.
went back primary w/ meiqi to
find miss soo & miss zurina,well i miss them.
ofcause not forgetting my bestie,benjamin and likhock korkor.

Friendship is something which connects people
through mutual knowledge, esteem and affection. It revolves around loyalty,
empathy , genuine affection for each other
and the ability to understand others.
Friends don't mean only
being there in one another's good times but also in the bad times
as well. A true friend does
not try to change you according to their
preferences but accepts you as you are. Such friends
hips are precious possessions
and should be valued by those who have it.
I really need to thanks Mabel shoesshoes,
Pigman,Mr.s,shihui crazygirl,shuying sister and many friends.
who were always the ones
who care about me when i'm feel stress or unhappy.
It really heals alots.
Big thanks to you all,w/o you all, i don't know what will happen to me now.

if time could turns back,i will still choose to love you.

August 28, 2008

Falling in love, Falling for you,

ohmygawddddz, today was terrible day for me,
Maths class test again,
but this time is was really kinda of last minute.
i didn't even study it,
Goshh am i going to fail again? because i really forgetten the
formula for volume.
i just anyhow do it,those three questions = 0 marks.
i hate test. it is really killing me.
God,why do you always give me more troubles then happiness?
why do you always fool me off?
i had it enough already,can you just let me off? & let
me enjoy the happiness out there?
i just want happiness but not troubles,is that so difficult?
Yesterday went bukit panjang plaza to support dancer(the groovers!)
One word to say about their performance is 'Amazing'.
Anyway,thanks ginnietxx for your ice-Cream!
Feeling so unhappy after Mr.s told me about Mr.tomato birthday.
Today is mr.tomato birthday,yet i can't even
wish him 'happy birthday'.What a dissapointment is it? i hate it.
Even if i know his birthday
earlier,i don't think i will wish him happy birthday,
know why? Use your butt and think , do you think Cindy.Low Zywei will do that?
No,she wouldn't do that,cause she is fucking coward.
I really hate myself , for not having courage or
either confidence? i don't know why is it so difficult for me?
why is it so diffcult?
My mood is totally screwed upzxzx.

I'm so afraid you'd be gone again,
without a trace.
i'm willing to be always yours.

August 25, 2008

Do you dream of me at night?

Ohmygawddddddz, Monday sucks luhszxzx.
i just got no mood for class.
i don't know why either. Maybe i just fucking
hate my life in school.
Maybe school life do sucks?
i just got so fet up during computer lessons.
i don't know why too.
Everything seems so strange to me,
it is just not my mood today.
Having training tmr, Guess it would be very interesting w/
the waterbottles yeah?
i wanted to post many many personal things but i just can't post it.
i getting more and more crazy over this kind of stuffs.
it's drving crazy.
Sometimes i do wonder,
wondering why god is so unfair to me?
Everything i want seems so far to me and i just couldn't get it.
Why can't i just get what i want?

Tonight, I'm falling and I can't get up.
I need your love hands to pick up.
Every night, I miss you.

August 22, 2008

Slow down a little bit,

there's this boy & he kinda has my heart.
Everything of a man is their greatest weapon to kill a woman by her soul.
Just a blow of a kiss , sends the woman down to her knees ,
Everyone fell for it , including me .
Fallen deep into it , yet hurting painfully.
i had fall in love w/ him deeply, hurting myself to make me not to miss you so much.
Every single minutes and seconds,i miss you so badly./
i guess i 'm foolish? but i just couldn't help to.
You just secretly enters my heart and make me crazy over you.
My heart always belongs to you, only you, i promise.
you are my heart and soul,/.

August 20, 2008

this is not what i want;

Today,i got back my science paper,25/30.
Damn surprise lahzxzx.
Guess what? i am more surpise of my d&t test.
know why? i thought i
will flunk d&t exam,but i got 13/20.
Thanks god manzxzx.
What about maths? i got 18/20. Totally shock when i got
back my maths paper.
i guess i did very well in this common test?
May i ask everyone of you? what does normal tecnical means to you?
A lousy class in your stream? well,let me just tell you,
Normal tecnical is a human too,well if you just jolly well look
down on us,i have nothing to say.
Just want to tell you, Normal tecnical may lost to you all
in those mathematics question but
doesn't mean we are useless or stupidzxzx. they are still things
that we can do,but none of the normal acdemic
or express can't do.
My mum just says that normal tecnical is a most lousy class.
so what? at least i'm happy w/ my classmate right?
ofcause not forgetting my Shoesshoes and that Crazy girl.
they just doesn't look down on us.

My heart always belongs to /Mr.tomato's.
Monday to sunday,you are always on my mind.
Every single hours,minutes and seconds,i miss you so badly./

August 18, 2008

Today i saw my Mr.tomato!
very cute okays:D
And it is 60 days to my 14th birthday!:D
i wish i could celebrate my birthday w/ Mr.tomato,shoesshoes & maybe foody toos!
they are my important friends of my life.
tomorrow, going greenridge sec to support hip-hopzxzx!
Jiayou dancer alrights?&
i want a school bagzxzx and ofcause Mr.tomato tocelebrate
my birthday w/ me.i guess it won't happen?
this it so-call what i want during my birthdayzxzx.i want it,i want it!
God,can you just make this wishes come true?
i just want this;
will be uploading pictures soon yeah!

Coversation w/ my stupid pig foody.

™☯☢☠☫☞╚╬ČĦ¥Ё╬╗╚╬???p?[??☃☠☢☣ ™ [d(o.O)p??] says:
LOL you are one!
- Cindy, let's get high! {/♥} [/c] says:
both what?
- Cindy, let's get high! {/♥} [/c] says:
™☯☢☠☫☞╚╬ČĦ¥Ё╬╗╚╬???p?[??☃☠☢☣ ™ [d(o.O)p??] says:
ya laa
™☯☢☠☫☞╚╬ČĦ¥Ё╬╗╚╬???p?[??☃☠☢☣ ™ [d(o.O)p??] says:
you're the pgi! {spell wrongly}
- Cindy, let's get high! {/♥} [/c] says:
no leh.
- Cindy, let's get high! {/♥} [/c] says:
i human ok.
™☯☢☠☫☞╚╬ČĦ¥Ё╬╗╚╬???p?[??☃☠☢☣ ™ [d(o.O)p??] says:
- Cindy, let's get high! {/♥} [/c] says:

You have just sent a nudge.

™☯☢☠☫☞╚╬ČĦ¥Ё╬╗╚╬???p?[??☃☠☢☣ ™ [d(o.O)p??] says:
- Cindy, let's get high! {/♥} [/c] says:
you look more like.
- Cindy, let's get high! {/♥} [/c] says:

August 16, 2008

1. Name something that made you frown


- Everything but not my Mr.tomato & my friends.

2. What were you doing at 7:00am?

- In bed, I guess.

3. What were you doing an hour ago?

- sleeping in the bedzxzx.

5. What was the last thing you said


- Wth , i guess?

6. How many different things did you drink today?

- 2 only.

7. What was the last thing you bought?

- A drink.

8. What color is your room?

- Baby pink , baby blue and green.

9. What is the weather going to be

like tomorrow?

- Do I look like a weather forecaster?.

10. Vanilla or chocolate?

- Chocolate.

11. What are you excited about?

- Nothing.

12. Are you random?

- I admit I am.

13. Do you laugh a lot?

- Yes.

14. Do you have plans tomorrow?

- No.

15. Are you ticklish?

- Yes.

16. Are you typically a jealous person?

- Very.

17. Who's the 1st person on your

missed calls list?

- Withheld

18. What's the 5th text in your inbox

and from who?

- Alyssa laoma

19. Do you chew on straws?

- Yes,only when i drink waterzxzx.

20. What is the next concert/gig you're going to?

- None.

21. What's the biggest disappointment to you lately?

- Sigh.

22. What were you doing at midnight last night?

- Watching tv.

25. Are you a heavy sleeper?

- Yes.

26. When was the last time you used a skateboard?

- I never use that before.

27. When was the last time you kissed someone? Who?

- Nobody.

28. Do drugs?

- Nope,i'm a good girlzxzx.

29. How so you feel about premarital sex?

- No either.

30. Ever wished you could switch bodies with a person of the opposite sex?

- No -.-

31. Have a watch?

- Yes. Super nice watch okayzxzx.

August 15, 2008

You are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place,

Agrhhh, it is super pain to post w/ my right hand,but i still manage to post yeah./
cheers for me isn't it? happyzxzx.
stupidszxzx. what happen to hand? blame kimteck then.
Luckily my hand injure during pe time
but not test time luckily test was before it so i guess it didn't affect my
test isn't it? fuckzxz, i flunk up my d&t test.
know why? because my brain just can't absord those d&t stuffs in.
when i saw my d&t paper, i went totally shock
And my mind goes blankzxzx.
because all the question seems so weird.
Kinda of i didn't even learn before?Guess what? i gotta fail it:(
Well,i ask you people,do you ever been in love before?
Alrights well,if you ain't in love then
good for you. Just a kindly reminder :' don't fall in love,if you are not in love now.'
Know why? Because you will get very stress up with those stuffzxzx.
& will really make you unhappy and cry.
because those things happens to me everytime when i miss himzxzx.
That feeling isn't good at all.
Everyone fell for it , including me .
Just a whisper of love , sends the woman craving for more.
So i was stuck up by the stupid cupidzxzx.
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel
whenever you ain't there.


August 11, 2008


Out of controls,

I'm sozxzsxzsxzsxzxzsx ,running out of energy to think about everthing .
I questioned myself , and answered ,
Should i just give up on you and carry on with life ?
i knew i couldn't, i just can't help but to love you.
I shouldn't fall for you , but in the end , the cupid struck me up.
And i fall into love w/ you unknowningly.
Yet, the fact is that you don't even know or you won't even be bothered about it .
God , make me stronger and stronger each passing day please.
because i still have many days ahead.
i want to be stronger and stronger toward l.o.v.e
how i hope i could never get stress up w/ this things?
i need someone who i can talk to, just appear infront me.
because i really need one.
i know crying isn't an solution,but i just can't help myself and just
burst out in tears. tears coming out from my eyes,rolling down my cheeks
every.single. day, blood coming out from my hands everytime.
verbalize the thoughts which makes me spin & puke.
I'm getting out of mind,totallyzxzx.


The night is still young for us.

Yesterday night,watch olymics.
CHINA vs USA ( basketball boys) .
scores: 70:101.
China lost to USA. they say that the basketball boys from USA
were from NBA[National Basketball Association]. which is some kind of professional
basketball players. But china is just only kinda of
normal teams bahs.
the match was damn great, china play very well.
but just that their opponents were too strong that they
couldn't win.
Yi Jianlian,was really a good player.
he help china to gain back some points at the end of 4mins.
but china still lose. ;(
jianlian has also been selected by NBA.
he will be going overseas for further training.
of cause my wangzi is better:D

August 10, 2008

It cut me like a knife ;

Thursday went basketball w/ Likhock korkor,Maoshien and
girlfriend(s).Totally fun okay~
meetup w/ girlfriends first before going w/
likhock kor and maoshien.
We go green park to play basketball.
in the end got chase out by the coach from yuan ching
secondary. i just got so fed up manzxzx.
Gree park is for everyone they had no rights
to chase us always cans? fuckzxzx lahs.
we went taman jurong cc there to play basketball:D
girlfriens(s) went home at 5pm something and left me w/ maoshien
and likehock kor. i went home at 7 pm.
Going basketball w/ them after common test maybe?


Shoesshoes ,sisters and girlfriends
are dearest to me and tgt we have a uncountable days ahead for us.

August 6, 2008

Emozxszxzxszxzs / Out of my mind,

oh, whatever.
today i went to library w/ girlfriend(s).
& Goh hui shi :X
totally crazy-ness okay!
well,we do our storyboard,and it is
kinda of xiao hai zhi,because i drew ginger
breadman & i agree he is super
cute larhszxzx.& ofcause,i add a new character into
ginger breadman stories!ginger breadman's
girlfriend,she is damn chio okays! the only
difference is her head got a ribbon:D i'm pro isn't it?
we left the library at 5pm something?
went old chang kee & mcdonalds.went to have ice-cream.
well,after that went home w/
yiman & likhock korkor.
Thanks korkor for accompany me lahszxzx!
Going basketball w/ girlfriend(s),likhock korkor or
maybe maoshien and chunkiat they all.
Maybe,i'm going to grow taller nowzxzx okay!
My hand is super chio larhzxzx! i love my hand ohkay!

I've been nothing but myself
since the day I was born,
and if you can't see that it's
your failing,not mine.

August 3, 2008

Stop wondering and start wandering,

yesterday night went jurong green park,
because there is some celebrationszxzx.
Went there about 8pm
or what? Went there with mum because
she wants to see the liu ling ling
sings songs. but in the end, she didn't came.
hahahszxzx,well reach there saw many familiar faces.
well the first one was, Likhock kor.
then beside him was benjamin then
he says:'you know i who mah?
i reply: i know you who only :D
he says: hi.
i reply: hi.
He is kind of lameeeeeeeeeeeezxzxz.
saw foody there toos,well i saw my Mr.tomato there toos!
hyperzxzx. What the hell cans?
i say hi to foody then he was like kinda shock.
then he hi back,then like bu shuang like that./
hahahszxzx, but we are the best foody + Pig foody rights?
i took quite a number of pictures w/
ginnie,well i totally agree my camera skills are bad :(
And yesterday night, i know alot of sec 1s.
weishi, kaixin and shandy.
Weishi is very cutezxzx lah :X
kaixin is totally kind of Zillian queen larhzxz.
Play true or dare w/ ginnie,Qianhui they all, play two
rounds and went home w/ mum.

My mind told me not to , but my heart didn't want to listen .
Yet , my heart went against my mind .
Leading myself into falling for him .
If only he would be able to understand , then the
world ,will really go round .
