November 12, 2008

Outing with shihui,mabel and xinpei,

vivocity with the three of them,it was nice!
High school musicial is superb! i love it manz! Haha!
after that xinpei and shihui went off first,
mabel and i went to haiji lane/arab street,i can tell you now,
we look so dumb lookinf for haiji lane/ arab street,
because we didn't even know where is the place man, sms
pinky where is haji lane. and he tell us that,
he always take cab go de lol other than that i dunno.
So we go see the location map and find the place,but end up
we still have to take cab, and the stupid taxi
driver just cheated our money. bloody idiot, it is like a short distance
to there only. the driver go one big round and we
ask the driver to stop, he don't want to stop, in the end we have
to walk there.when we reach there it is very late,
so like all the shop all close already, assshole waste my bloody $7.90!
but at least next time we know how to go already,
next week going there again with shoesshoes yeah yeah!
* never go haiji lane at night,because it is fucking dark at there!
& scary ohkay. if you wanna go there please ask a guy to accompany you!
Blings bling,you wait for me yeah!


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