July 28, 2008

Mood - : Bouncing/Happy.
Song - : Cry - Rihanna.
it's been days since i blog,giggles.
wth,why do we have class test manszxzx?
wednesday i having class test on maths & science.
Goshhh,i scare i fail ;(
science,i 'm not so worry but maths!
if we fail the test we had to stay back after school
for one week,hell lahzxzx!
i need someone to teach me maths, could someone help?
Anyone can help me with it ? :(.
Urggggghhhh ,
Screw it manzxzx .
Anyways , school was fine today .
there was spot check today,but i was not caught :X.
that was the best thing of all !
Well,meetup soon w/ chye, my ph.

I wish I was stronger.
What more can i say ? I cant be with you .
Seeing you is a blessing , loving you is a bleeding .
Tears of blood dripping down my face , bit by bit .
Drying out of blood , feeling weaker .

July 21, 2008

Mood- Tired / Sad / Confused
Song -It ends tonight - TheAllAmericanRejects.

Anyways , school was fine today.
Not much thing happens la , justs happy things happen:D
damn bloody boring for today.
Someone please entertain me , Guess i'm gonna rot again tmr ?
School ended , went back home w/ girlfriend(s).
before that,i saw mr.tomato!
i thought he never come school today,but yet he came:D
after i walk away from him i was so happy and high.
Grrrr. there is training tmr for us, :(
Mabel shoesshoes,being w/ you is really
enjoying,i mean real ok.
maybe we don't know each other quite long
but i'm so in love w/ you!
Promise me,our relationship won't fade?
Shall we be best shoesshoes forever and till long?
i Mabel shoesshoes!

I'm feeling empty inside .
I'm putting a happy face in front of everyone .
But clearly , no one understands how i feel .
I feel useless , betrayed , hurt deep inside of me .
I'll just need t0 carry on in life .
Cause the world will keep rotating , No one will be there .

July 17, 2008

Mood- _/_down
Song - {idk what songs to put}
i'm totally moodless right now , i don't have the mood to post too ~
there is training tmr :D
yesterday i didn't went school cause, i was sickk.
today i today recover okay!
but my throat is sick lahs,stupid sore throat ;(
today went ACS{international},quite fun luhs!
saw glenn, which that time our class went for don't know what
talk deh.well, he said the same
story about his young life again ;(,
well, his story is damn bored if you hear it the second time, but then
i was like keep laughing
because we heard that before! AHAHAS!
there is goodie bags for we all toos ;D okays luh,it is really better
than staying in school rights?-yays!
mabelmabel,didn't not tag me for like so long!-angry face!

July 15, 2008

today is such a boring day manzxzx!
tmr will be even bored :D
hate it lahszxzx!
i hate boring lessons manzx!
Yesterday night i almost just cry out,
because of what he say but i knew he doesn't
mean it he is just saying
the true, as what is say 'truth is always pain'.
okays,it is damn pain!
i don't say about this anymore,
cause will like make me feel like crying.
later maybe eating panadols cause abit feverish
and sore throat, ass manzxzx!
i will get well sooooooon ok!

July 12, 2008

These few days i had been busy
with jurong secondary 45th musicial.
hate it manszxzx!
yesterday is finally the musicial!
i perform 2 times one is for afternoon show
and one is night show.
Night show,we are damn highhhhhhhh!
only high for the ending part:D
when it is eygpt part i was super anxious and
scare i will dance wrong and
my friends and Mr.tomato will laught at me.
i almost burst out my tears manzxzxzxzx!
but i think it is alrights?
thanks my shoesshoes for coming musicial!:D

i hate to see the one i love happy with somebody,but i surely hate it
more to see the one i love unhappy with me.
i'm looking for this bag! it is super nice!

July 7, 2008

do anybody miss me? i bet NO?
omgzxzxz,when have i become so thick-skin already?
hahahs,maybe this year?
Go malaysia w/ my own family and dad's
friends family was damn fun.
but somehow i think i gain weight,fuckzxzx ;(
the food there are damn delicious,especially the
pork rib noodles,everytime i go
malacca,if we have time we will go there and eat!
yummy,thumbs up :D & not
forgetting the satay celup, malacca's specials.
you can't find it in singapore.
but thss time we went to the most famous
satay celup but not the shop that we always go,
because my dad's friend say they
want to try the famous shop,which the mediacorp
actors praise that it is nice, well is ok only,not very nice.
all the things there was nice accept
the gravy inside, wth, it is very weird cans?
it is kinda of bitter like that,
it is just very weirdddddddddddzxzxz!
but overall it is damn enjoying!


July 5, 2008

today actually i going gym with shishi they all.
then cancel already,because i
going my grandma house.
my grandma house is at malaysia :X
our family and my
dad friends family going.
actually i don't feel like going there luh.
but then i still going, ahahszxzx!
thanks people who told me to cheer up,
it heals alots but then i don't
know when i can really cheer up.
i will try, i will try.
Shall everyone miss me alrights?
mabel shoesshoes,get well soon alrights?
i will get my letter from you
next week kays?