November 27, 2008

My idol is the best,

Bangbangtang autograph session on 23 nov08,@imm.
i went imm at 8am in the morning to wait for the entering of
autograph session. Everything just worth:D
I made two new friend there,but i forgot their names already!
they were very friendly. Haha! Autograph session was nice,
i get to shake hand with all of the bangbangtang members! Damn happy!
And also damn lucky.Because some of them didn't get to shake hand
with them! So,I am a lucky girl~! Thanks god!
Hope they come singapore again the next year! I am looking forward
for their coming! Loves! They are very charming and cute ohkay.
Training tmr,work hard yo,cindy!
Check out bangbangtang video here yeah!:D video.

You will never be erase in my heart,
because you are already in my heart.

November 20, 2008

You make it easy, it's easy as 1,2- 1,2,3,4
There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you- (I love you) I love you
There's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what I'll do-
(I love you) I love you.

November 19, 2008

I want something new,

I am having a heavy eyebags manz! Mainly because during this
few days, i had been recieving calls in the middle of night, this is partly reasons
of having a heavy eyebag i suppose? Eyebag,Eyebag, go away!
I am so tired of my same old blogskins, i want new blogskins,but i can't find any
blogskins that suits me/my blog. @#$%@#! I'm thinking for a new
url now. Argh! It's killling my brain cells manz!!

Emotions are difficult to describe,So does Love.
You can't choose your emotions,because every emotions describle
your everything. I can tell you all now, I'm missing you terribly now,Mr.tomato. (L)

November 16, 2008

Change for something,

I want a new blogskins luhhhh! And also new blog url! Haha!
I suddenly crave for a bbq/steamboat w/ cousins!
Because it is always so fun & enjoyable! Lovessss! I'm missing so
much thing now. Many many thing you know.
I miss Bestfriends,Girlfriends and outing with friends luh!
Many outing coming up soon! Chill.

I miss you,Mr.tomato.

November 12, 2008

Outing with shihui,mabel and xinpei,

vivocity with the three of them,it was nice!
High school musicial is superb! i love it manz! Haha!
after that xinpei and shihui went off first,
mabel and i went to haiji lane/arab street,i can tell you now,
we look so dumb lookinf for haiji lane/ arab street,
because we didn't even know where is the place man, sms
pinky where is haji lane. and he tell us that,
he always take cab go de lol other than that i dunno.
So we go see the location map and find the place,but end up
we still have to take cab, and the stupid taxi
driver just cheated our money. bloody idiot, it is like a short distance
to there only. the driver go one big round and we
ask the driver to stop, he don't want to stop, in the end we have
to walk there.when we reach there it is very late,
so like all the shop all close already, assshole waste my bloody $7.90!
but at least next time we know how to go already,
next week going there again with shoesshoes yeah yeah!
* never go haiji lane at night,because it is fucking dark at there!
& scary ohkay. if you wanna go there please ask a guy to accompany you!
Blings bling,you wait for me yeah!

November 10, 2008

It's totally not my day,

Such an boring life for me, i hate it luhz!
tomorrow will be a better day,Because i am going out with
Shihui the crazygirl,Mabel shoesshoes and
xinpei to watch Hsm3 at vivocity and also shopping at there!
Haha! there's a reason going to vivocity.
But it remain as a secret. Shall tell shoesshoes tmr when
we go there! Hehe! Benjamin is very funny, not
my bestie! Another benjamin haha! His voice is quite same with
pigman. But he deny. Whatever, i don't care!

November 6, 2008

So random,

Today was a nice day indeed! Haha! 5 hours of training! Totally cool and
tired ohkay! I am damn pro! because i know how to do
Headstand! Quite same with Handstand! But the only different is i use
head! Cool man! i wanna learn breaking manz! If i learn
then i will be super cool! Hehe! Backbone is kinda of in pain now,
need to take care of my backbone! Had pizza today, it was yummy! Haha!
Thumbs up! Thanks Ms queenie for paying the bill!
My bed's calling me now, i am to sleep now! Meeting my bestfriend tomorrow
morning! Takecare readers! More updates coming up!

November 3, 2008

Dreams can't take the place of loving you, There's gotta be a
million reasons why it's true.
Gonna tell you that I love you,In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear, xoxo.

November 2, 2008

My expressions,

Today is a greeeeeaaat day!
I am so happy! Really! Because of some reasons!:D
I gonna share it with my bestfriend! Mabel & Shihui on Friday!
Actually is tuesday,but mabel need go hospital for checkup!
i guess they will be happy for me too right?
Hehe! Last night, can't fall asleep. Until like 2am like that then
sleep or what. Then got so call panda eyes!
Gosh,P-a-n-d-a E-y-e manz! But seriously, i don't really care so
much luhz! I want meetup with my primary school
friends! Yeeting my sucky slut,better metup with me ohkay!
I am so Happy now! Really ohkay!