December 20, 2007

today is an public holidays.
agree that i had a good rest from yesterday session.
the jazz teacher is like not an human?
ask we all do the exercise until like muscle aches?
okays, nevermind today like 8 am wake up because stomach pain? then went toilet,
after that went to sleep again,9am liddat wake up, it is raining heavily and so cold.
then my mum ask us to wake up and do my all sort of things,
then went to boonlay there to have my breakfast, but it is like dun feel like
going out because so cold, but in the end go lah, if not i eat what?
then 11 something went home, nothing to do.boring lols.
12 something went down to downstairs to meet my cool sister,yilin.
i meet her and she give me my chirstmas plus birthday i think so, greats:)
i was like so touched? because that was my first chirtmas present
for my first year in school. it was a baby winnie the pooh,thanks sister!
next time i will upload the picture of it:)
I love Yilin sister :)


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