November 16, 2007


when for the camp for 2 days one night.
damn tired with that lols.
need report,runing all the way to reach to place.
but i enjoys the games =x
legs and hand pain , because of the stupid frog jump and duck walking.
treasure hunt enjoyable but we wake up at 5.30 to wash up.
6.30 when to canteen , didn't have breakfast and keep running up and down
feeling to vomit in anytime.

went kfc for the shooting things, at first was like 4 person they call,
then yee theng , wenxin and qian hui came, don know why.
because also no one inform them to come,they just came for it.
never mind then went shooting after that, yee theng
and wenxin wants to claim money toos! but it is not enough.
they never do anything and they wants to claim money?
unreasonable, they say they wait for us for 5 hours, ok but i think $7
is enough because what they do is chatting.
chatting session got money to give? i stand for 2 or 3 hours only got $32
and they chat at outside got $20 to get.
if they go macdonald work 5 hours $15 only . but is working and this is
chattng. you think fair? is we who done more things.
hate la. can get $50 but only got $32 lols! $18 gone and for them.
hates hates!


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