September 22, 2007

today, went jurong point with
my cousin,when to have our lunch
at long john silver, eat until halfway
then full liao , ok nvm , then wait for
my cousin to eat fnish , then went
shopping , then went to yellow shop,
want piece my ear , then saw the
machine or wat la,the sound lik wan
kill people lik, abit scary lol, that
then i nv piece lol, the main reason
is my mum said holiday or wat then
piece , ok then holiday piece LOL!

September 21, 2007

today, damn boring lols, at cpa lessons
quite fun, bt quite strict la,then art lesson,
drawing the dun know wat ! , the mother
tougue ,was lik super boring lol, then i
sleep awhile , then yong liang dun
know go make her wat, then she drop her
tears lol. then i go, comfort her, then
the bitch go tell the boys about about wat
happenmorning was lik pervertic lol , then
i sheng qi the i push the table , jun yu bag fell down ,
then junyu scold me, nvm , then keep saying
non- stop ,i really angry and jus went off the class,
then i went toilet, i was in there,thinking i should cry
or should not , then i finally realize that i
shouldn"t cryif not they think that i am easily being bully,
then stop then yi man & wei qi,drag me back to class,
then nw i was urgent to go toilet , then told teacher,
teacher let me go then i ran off again then i go back
class again , then listen to teacher lol!
sorry jun yu i was not on purpose!

September 16, 2007

this days had nt been blogging , tat day after dance,
went canteen with jin yee and yee theng, then we drink
water and a sort of things la, then went to playthen accidentally
fell down ,my hands was bleeding,i didn't notice it , after i sat
down on the floor, my hands was still bleeding , so painful
then still continue, play play, siew bee become monkey
then i nv become monkey ahahax33

September 12, 2007

blah blah.....,
i hate that copycat lol bitch la

September 7, 2007

FRIDAAY,a miserable day i had this year,was lik torturing us lik tat,
others group was lik so enjoying then we leh?? turning here turning there,
lik mad lol,my leg it is so pain!! and that is make me laugh was the instructer,
he so pervert lol,and his mood was lik can change anytime de lol,scary lol,
and lastly it is GAY,camp at greenridge end today!!

September 5, 2007

today was lik so boring, nothing to do at home,
in the afternoon,when out with my mum and dad,
to go to jurong point,then shop shop,then saw wat i lik
then don know which wan to buy,then think think think
then buy!! still haven"t fing a chance to take the photo of it,
wednesday just end like that !!!

September 4, 2007

ouch,tat is painful lol,today go f&n lessons ans need
wait for needlework room to open,there,miss cheng come,
don need to wait some more,then ms cheng,
said tat i was the first to came,she very gan dong,
hahas,then do sewing,painful lol bt much of the sewing today,
was done by the sewing machine,lucky lol ,bt the word i had,
to do it myself,no sewing machine to help, my hands gt to,be in

September 3, 2007

today,went to sch for f&n lessons,wait ,wait,wait
for the needlework room to open,then until 11am
something we thought of why ms cheng didn"t came
to open,then go check her blog,then the time was change,
today don have then tomorrow need to go sch again,
then valeska and yi man wan go 399,then accompany them lol,
then we wait 4 the bus to come,the bus haven"t come then
nothing to do so take this picture(:

September 2, 2007

nothing much to write,for them
A BIGG BIGG CLAPS for sec one dancers,
cause we improve alots on dance ,must continue

September 1, 2007

one week holiday started this week,happy happy,
but at home is so bored,bt i think i will go out ,
monday need to go back to sch for f&n lessons,
boring,then tuesday i think stay at home do nothing,
wednesday i think i go out or wat ,thursday,
dance camp at greenridge secondary then go home,
the next day go greenrigde again,then holiday jus end lik tat
lol ,but at least i think i gt go out la (: