August 28, 2007

today was such a .... so call boring day arh,
and one thing that makes me and my friend angry was,
that bitch who loves to copycat etc.wearing ankle socks,
bring perfume to school and wat people said she will jus copy ,
people tease me then she laught laught laught,
lik she so smart lik tat and she think tat she is a pretty gal
lik tat lol,people laught at her then she 'bu shuai ' lik tat lol
eu don lik people to tease eu then don luaught at
people when someone said him/her la !!!
one of our class boys was carrying his bag
and was playing catching in class,
then the bitch said 'i help eu take your bag la'
even i ,as a friend she also nv said before tat word
she such a filt,cause she no stead lol!!!
i hate that bitch


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